




1.金城砂岩建造而成,令到整个城都是金黄色,所以又被称为「金色之城」(Golden City),浪漫一点也被称作「沙漠中的皇冠」。

5.黄金城市岩,在阳光下散发出耀眼的光芒,所以这个城市也被称为黄金城市Golden City)是印度丝路的贸易重镇。

6.金色之城的美誉Jaisalmer—有金色之城的美誉golden city),在这里的城堡中有很多贵族的府邸Havep,每座建筑都有非常精美的装饰。全部 …

7.金城戏院淘汰-保存:金城戏院Golden City)《突然好想你》 真热闹!

8.黄金市黄金市Golden city)向上走,来到forster town,最上方的房子可恢复体力,左下卖进化石右边房子领到火蛾虫的蛋   接着向上…


1.In March the foreign ministry warned citizens not to gamble in Laos and accused Golden City of cheating its cross-border customers.在3月外交部警告中国公民到老挝赌博的危险并指责金城欺骗其跨境顾客。

2.Golden City says it has pumped $130m into the project's first phase, including funds from outside investors.黄金城方面表示公司在该项目一期共投入130万美元,其中包括部分外部融资。

3.That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!你必题这诗歌论巴比伦王说,欺压人的何竟息灭,强暴的何竟止息。

4.The OM often sopcits testimonials from people shortly after their first trip to Golden City, during a honeymoon phase.合一运动经常在人们第一次到过金色之城之后不久——还在蜜月期间——向他们要感谢信。

5.If I forget thee, golden city.如果我会忘记你,金色的城。

6.But, we will also work to initiate the first Multi-Dimensional Golden City of Light in New York City !而且,我们将首次工作于在纽约城的多维度光之都市!

7.Golden City, in Boten, just over the border from China in tiny Laos, is a case in point.离中国边境线不远,老挝境内的磨丁黄金城就是一个典型的例子。

8.By 1915, the golden city was nearly 100% rebuilt, and that yearit hosted the Panama-Pacific Exposition, above.到1915年,这座黄金之城几乎100%得到重建,那一年,该城主办了巴拿马太平洋博览会。

9.Don't you see the golden city and the everlasting day?君不见那永恒世界黄金城?

10.The Price table of Golden City Fitness Club金都澳瑞特健身俱乐部服务价目表