




1.金靴奖 Golden Ball (金球奖) Golden Shoe (金靴奖) 2006 FIFA World Cup Mascot( 世界杯吉祥物) ...

2.金鞋并且状态正佳,这位荷兰队的9号球员肯定是2006年世界杯金靴奖(golden shoe)的有力竞争者之一。

6.欧洲金球奖年度总冠军这个奖项含金量非常高,类似于足球界的“欧洲金球奖”(Golden Shoe)或者是电影界的奥斯卡大奖。而当我们浏览 …

7.金马蹄政府规划了一个名为“金马蹄”(Golden Shoe)的银行和公司区。这个区域融合了旧的商业中心,目前已经容纳了所有的重要公司 …


1.Another penalty in a third-place play-off win over the USSR took his tournament tally to nine goals, landing him the Golden Shoe award.在与前苏联争夺第三位时打入的另一个点球,使尤西比奥的大赛总进球数达到9个,他因此荣获那届大赛的金靴奖。

2.In the intervening two years, a lot has changed for the player who scooped a winner's medal and the adidas Golden Shoe in Peru.这两年来,那个当年在秘鲁获得冠军奖牌和阿迪达斯金靴奖的球员改变了许多。

3.There was once an Emperor who had a horse shod with gold. He had a golden shoe on each foot, and why was this?从前有一个皇帝有一匹穿着金鞋的马,他的每个脚上的鞋都是金子做的,这是为什么呢?

4.In addition, he won the European Golden Shoe award two times, becoming the first player to win the trophy in two different championships.另外,他还两次获得欧洲金靴奖,成为第一个在两场不同锦标赛中揽到战利品的选手。

5.She first washed her hands and face clean, and then went and bowed down before the prince, who gave her the golden shoe.灰姑娘先把脸和手洗乾净,然后走入来很有教养地向王子屈膝行礼。

6.Jovanovic spent the previous four years at Standard Liege, where he won Belgian Footballer of the Year in 2008 and the Golden Shoe in 2009.约万诺维奇此前在比利时标准列日俱乐部效力四年、在那里他获得2008年比利时足球先生以及2009年的金靴奖。