




1.金色夕阳 ... 压榨 Extract 金色夕阳 Golden Sunset 导演:Kyle B. Thompson ...

2.黄金日落 ... Coffee,Milk & Ice cream 咖啡, 牛奶 & 冰淇淋 Golden Sunset 黄金日落 $4 Pineapple Aroma 凤梨香 $4 ...

3.黄金夕阳 superman 超人现身 golden sunset 黄金夕阳 star trails at the peak 流云 星轨 ...

4.落日融金 [Golden Sunset 落日融金] ...

5.金色落日 品名:深蓝冷月 Blue Moon 品名:金色落日 Golden Sunset 品名:威尼斯嘉年华 Carnival of Venice ...

6.金色夕照 ... 大好良机 golden opportunity 金色的落日余辉 golden sunset 响亮圆润的声音 golden voice ...

8.金色日落图片 ... 受天堂欢迎图片 Welcome to paradise. 4 金色日落图片 Golden sunset 6 图片 Forest 001 ...


1.The reflection of a golden sunset on your clouds is a very nice touch.金黄色的落日余辉反射在你的云彩上,真是很生动。

2.Within this dream we hold hands and took a walk on a beach in Hawaii, heading towards the golden sunset and the breeze of coconut trees.在梦中我和您手牵手,在夏威夷的沙滩上漫步,向?金黄色的日落、椰树微风中出发。

3.The central issue, the temple has a unique pngering charm, don't let the golden sunset extravagant rendering green land.落日余辉中的海神庙别有一番韵味,任凭金黄色的夕阳奢侈地渲染绿色的土地。

4.Or is the dawn the most dazzpng phosphor, evening that with a golden sunset.或者是黎明时那最耀眼的启明星,傍晚时那一抹金色的晚霞。

5.With their own colors, paved a golden road, decorated with the last hint of the golden sunset.用自己的色彩,铺成一条金色的路,装点最后一抹金色的晚霞。

6.There's a wide range of fresh seafood to enjoy with the golden sunset and some amber refreshments.这里有大范围领域的新鲜海产品,并且能够享受金色的夕阳西沉及一些琥珀制的饮料。

7.Serene lake reflects the golden sunset静谧的湖面倒映金色的夕阳

8.Time Again For The Golden Sunset又一次金色日落