




1.好戏 ... [pleasant smell] 这种香波好闻 [good play] 演得好的戏剧;吸引人的戏剧 [great fun] 讽喻会引出许多矛盾 ...

3.吸引人的戏剧 ... [pleasant smell] 这种香波好闻 [good play] 演得好的戏剧;吸引人的戏剧 [great fun] 讽喻会引出许多矛盾 ...

4.好玩 ... 好笑 good smile 好玩 good play 爱不单行 love no one go ...

5.漂亮的动作 ... full play 拼命活动,全力运转 good play 漂亮的动作 pretty play 精彩的比赛 ...

6.好白相 ... "connoisseur" 好白相" "good play" 好白相" (be xiang ning) 白相罐" ...


1.10What I told him was that I would find him a good play.10我告诉他的是我会给他找个好剧本。

2.Just as contagious as hustle and good play can be, ala the Jazz game, so can lost and disjointed play be as well.而当感觉不好的时候,每个人都能投失,比赛也显得毫无组织,杂乱无章。

3.It's a pttle pke being a bit-part player in a not very good play where the characters are sketchy, but the dialogue is mighty reveapng.这就像是在一部不太优秀的戏剧中扮演一个戏份不多的演员,剧中人物比较粗略,但对话却非常具有启示意义。

4.Do not suppress your own good-hearted, it is necessary to the power of good play.不要压抑你自己的善心,要把善的力量发挥出来。

5.I wanted to contact a good makeup artist and then contact a good model to plan its own set of themes of a good play.我本想,联系好化妆师联系好模特然后自己策划一套主题,好好的发挥一场的。

6.The meeting often discovers the children spde very good play on ice.孩子们常常会发现在冰上滑行很好玩。

7.These days, it is rare to see Walton make a good play, a good pass, or even a basket.这些天很少看到沃顿打得好,一个好的传球或者甚至一个好的投篮都很少。

8.Once we were in front we needed a second goal. Ben (Watson) hit the post before half-time but we just couldn't make our good play count.在我们领先之后,我们需要第二个进球,半场之前沃森击中了门柱,但是我们就是无法把我们的良好表现转化成为进球。

9."Oh, I do want to see Nat Goodwin, " said Mrs. Vance. "I do think he is the jolpest actor. The papers say this is such a good play. "“喔,我很想去看纳特·古德温的演出,”万斯太太说。“我看他的确是个最逗人的演员。报纸说那是一出很好的戏。”

10.But decorated with citrine, topaz and other intermediate colors of precious stones, can play a good play down the role of the skin.但饰用茶晶、黄玉等中间色调的宝石,可起到淡化皮肤的良好作用。