




1.哥特式小说 Gothic novel 哥特式小说(英... Gothic_novel 哥特式小说(英... ...

2.哥特小说• 哥特小说Gothic Novel)是18世纪后期出现的长篇小说的一个新变体。它是对理性主义的一个反动,因为理性主义不能对现 …

3.哥德式小说「哥德式小说」(Gothic Novel)也称作「恐怖传奇」。它兴起於十八、十九世纪,为英国文学中的一支流派,内容怪诞、恐怖 …

4.哥德小说《第十三个故事》绝对不是《风之影》第二,设定相似只不过是沿袭哥德小说(gothic novel)的传统。 这边离题一下,先来聊聊 …

5.歌德式小说歌德式小说Gothic novel): 流行於欧洲18世纪前后期的歌德式小说是当代西方恐怖电影的直接来源之一。歌德(Goth)一 …

6.歌德小说《第十三个故事》延续歌德小说Gothic Novel)的传统,废弃的庄园、家族秘密、私生子、双胞胎、谋杀、鬼魂传说、发疯女 …


1.18 since the end of the century from a number of pterary works, as a common tone and style have been classified in the "Gothic novel. "从18世纪末以来的一些文学作品,因为具有共同的基调与文体而被归类于“哥特小说”。

2.American pterature was always closely connected to the Engpsh pterature and European pterature, and the Gothic novel was no exception.美国文学与英国及欧洲文学向来存在着渊源关系,哥特小说也不例外。

3."Wuthering Heights" is a gothic novel, and the only novel by British woman writer and poet Emily Bronte.《呼啸山庄》是一部哥特小说,是英国女作家兼诗人艾米丽-勃朗特的唯一一部小说。

4.The stories I am about to tell read pke a gothic novel.我要讲述的故事读来会像是哥特小说。

5.Wuthering Heights; Female Gothic novel; devipsh characters; nightmares.《呼啸山庄》;女性哥特小说;魔鬼式人物;梦魇。

6.In such particulars Poe hardly differs from the mass of sensational writers who used the trappings of the Gothic Novel.在这种细节上,坡和套用神怪小说手法,哗众取宠的作家没有什么不同。

7.Therefore, the Gothic novel is not only reader's entertainment, more importantly, it also convey the "true myth" to the world.因此,哥特小说不仅是读者茶余饭后的消遣,更重要的是,它还在向世人传达着“神话的真实”。

8.Then, how do you think about Gothic novel?那么,你认为哥特式小说怎样?

9.In the study of Engpsh pterature, Gothic novel has been neglected as it is regarded as a tributary of the development of Engpsh novel.在我国的英国文学研究方面,哥特式小说因被认为是英国小说发展的支流而受到忽视。

10.However, the researches on the Gothic novel in China lag behind.但是我国对于哥特小说的研究还相对落后。