




1.大老党 grand old man 元老 grand old party 美国共和党 grand opening 盛大献映 ...

3.老大党 2:GOP GORAKHPUR 戈勒克布尔 印度;拘尸那迦; abbr. grand old party; 别称大老党; ...

5.共和党联盟  共和党联盟Grand Old Party) (Repubpcan))。  肝功能的第一指标,一般0-40。

6.元老党素有“元老党”(Grand Old Party)盛誉的美国共和党丢掉了白宫与国会两院的控制后,拒不与奥巴马政府合作(甚至希望它失败…


1.Subsequent pages tell of "A grand old party to war in a rush, and a quiet Dick Cheney whispering hush. "后续的篇幅写道“美国共和党慌忙的投入战争,而一个静谧的迪克。切尼(美国副总统)在悄声说‘嘘,安静。’”

2.And a slew of Democratic retirements is tilting the field yet further towards the Grand Old Party.再加上一批民主党人的退休将至,又给共和党上位增添了筹码。

3.So the Grand Old Party is betting on this anti-government wave restoring it to power in 2012.因此,美国共和党断言这股反政府浪潮能促使他们在2012年重建他们的政权。

4.For all Mr Obama's fine talk, says the Grand Old Party, Democrats fall back on their traditional job-kilpng cure-all.共和党说,尽管奥巴马说了一堆漂亮话,但民主党实质上是再次转向了会扼杀就业的传统万灵药。

5.But their Grand Old Party actually started environmental protection in the first place.但事实上,共和党是最先开始环境保护。

6.The Grand Old Party indignantly denies having any such intention.老大党(指美国共和党)愤怒的否认了这一点。

7.Another is that it would upset many Democrats as much as the Grand Old Party.另一种反对观点是,除了会惹恼共和党之外,它同样会惹恼许多民主党人士。

8.The Grand Old Party is naturally eager to benefit as much as it can from the movement's energy, passion and dollars.大老党自然急切渴求尽一切可能更多受益于茶党运动的声势、激情和美钞。

9.Democrats now call the Grand Old Party the "party of No" .现在,民主党把大老党唤作“摇头党”。

10.Today the Grand Old Party has moved even farther to the right.今天的共和党观点已经比那时还要右。