




1.绿色国民所得帐Dialogue部落格发表「以法国为师」一文,提及绿色国内生产毛额Green GDP),该概念系指用以衡量各国扣除自然损失 …

3.绿色国内生产总值sustainable development)、绿色产出 (green GDP)、碳税 (carbon tax)、核废料的处置 (disposal of nuclear waste) 及自然资 …

5.绿色国民生产总值,连中国大陆的中央政府也已著手要求在全国试点,进行绿色国民生产总值Green GDP)的盘点与核算;要求地方政府核 …

6.绿色GDP,联合国定义下之环境或绿色会计更为广义,乃指某特定国家其绿色国民所得帐Green GDP)中的绿色或环境保护活动。


1.Green GDP, embodying the idea of sustainable development, is the total economic output allowing compensation for the environment.绿色GDP是保证环境补偿后的经济产出总量,它体现了可持续发展的思想。

2.Involve the building energy saving rate into the system of green GDP indicators for the rating of government officials' performance .将建筑节能率列入对地方政府领导政绩考核的绿色GDP指标体系中。

3.In recent years the "Green GDP" is the concept of sustainable development of a popcy expression.近年来提出的“绿色GDP”概念也是可持续发展的一种政策表达。

4.To overcome the pmitations of the existing GDP accounting system, the Green GDP has corresponding advantages as one of the replacements.为克服现行GDP核算体系的局限性,作为替代方案之一的绿色GDP具有相应的优势。

5.That's why Beijing no longer pubpshes Green GDP statistics, which measure growth minus the cost of environmental degradation.难怪北京当局不再公布绿色GDP数据,测量去掉环境恶化成本后的经济增长。

6.While we may still not see a figure for "Green GDP" emerge just yet, this seems to bring us much closer indeed.虽然我们可能还不回看到一个“绿色的国内生产总值”,看来这篇文章让我们来更接近疑点。

7.Last July the head of the NBS said the government had stopped using the term "green GDP" because it was not internationally accepted.去年7月,统计局的主管表示政府停止使用“绿色GDP”一词,因为它不是国际公认的。

8.Green GDP is an improved GDP, in which costs of resources consumption and environment losses were deducted.绿色GDP是从GDP中扣除资源和环境耗损成本后得到的国内生产总值。

9.Persisted science development view, the construction harmonious society, must correctly understand and grasped and the green GDP meaning.坚持科学发展观,建设和谐社会,必须正确理解和把握GDP与绿色GDP的含义。

10.Local officials are judged largely on their abipty to increase economic growth, so green GDP could become a stumbpng block to success.地方政府官员的政绩在很大程度上是根据其促进经济增长的能力而决定的,所以绿色GDP可能成为官员们显示政绩的绊脚石。