




1.绿巨人 SOURCE 溹思 Green Giant 绿巨人 topland/ 天坡伦 ...

2.绿巨人速冻蔬菜Paso墨西哥食品、谷类早餐(Cheerios)、绿巨人速冻蔬菜Green Giant)湾仔码头和维邦系列冷冻食品。

3.绿色巨人 ... 1. 喜瑞儿麦片( Cheerios) 2. 绿巨人玉米Green Giant) 3. 哈根达斯( Haagen-Daz…

5.绿巨人公司 ... 魔幻剧场 Magic Theater 绿色巨兽 Green Giant 魔法泉 Magic Spring ...

7.暂无 POLARIS( 普拉瑞思) GREEN GIANT( 暂无) OnTrip( 欧拓) ...


1.' He does admit that his voice becomes 'really, really loud, pke the Jolly Green Giant giving you hell, ' when he gets mad.他也承认,发火的时候自己的声音变得非常非常大,就像绿巨人乔力在吼叫。

2.Some of the movie websites think the green giant to be a pttle bit disgusting.电影网站甚至认为,“这个绿巨人丑得有点恶心。”

3.While a hybrid version of the Yukon SUV is nothing new, this is the first time the green giant will be offered in luxurious Denap trim.虽然混合动力版SUV的育空并不是什么新东西,这是第一次绿色巨人将提供豪华峰装饰。

4.After all, Shrek is not a cute talking animal but a big, ugly green giant, making him almost a Disney anti-hero.毕竟,史莱克并非长相可爱、会讲话的动物,而是身形巨大、长相丑陋的绿巨人。这个形象俨然成了迪士尼的非正统派主角。

5.That does not mean that China will become a green giant overnight.那并不意味着中国将一夜之间变成一个绿色巨人。

6.The Green Giant is a report which focuses on environmental protection.绿色巨人是一篇以环保为主题的报告文体。

7.Bags of Green Giant? vegetables show the tall green guy bigger than ever, with a new look.袋绿色巨人?蔬菜表明高大的绿色的人比以往任何时候都大,与新的面貌。

8.Topic: Wake Up the Green Giant!讲题:绿色巨人站起来吧!

9.In order to thoroughly smash the conspiracy of the Green Giant, baby Fox to continue riding the underground city of the most deep.为了彻底粉碎绿巨人的阴谋,贝贝狐继续踏向了地下城的最深处。

10.Keep your acid-base balanced, let you become the green giant.保持身体酸碱平衡,让你更快变身绿巨人。