




1.绿橙凉快天气差不多都会变色,叶绿素靠不住啊。赤道品种‘绿橙子’(green orange)没什么稀罕,就是没经过世态凉。有冰箱,可以 …

4.绿橘色 ... 深咖啡色( Dark brown ) 绿橘色Green orange) 蓝灰色( blue-grey) ...

5.青橙手机示为zhangxiaolan,从邮箱地址可判断,是青橙公司Green Orange)所收购.目前,相关域名qingcheng网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/网址被屏蔽/.org等已注 …


1.But as the rainbow-color 7 (Green Orange Red Green blue-violet), in fact, only Japan, China, South Korea and a small number of countries.但将彩虹看作7色(赤橙黄绿青蓝紫)的,其实只有日、中、韩等少数国家。

2.This is to be very colorful (bright yellow, green, orange), professional and eye popping.这是非常丰富多彩(亮黄,绿,橙),专业和眼睛弹出。

3.The T10 will come in Cherry Red , Lime Green, Orange Yellow for that Club Look as a fashion item.T10它将有樱桃红,柠檬绿,柑桔黄三种时尚的条形外观出现在大家眼前!

4.It was assembled from images taken through four different filters, pictured here in blue, green, orange and red.这张照片是由四组不同的滤光镜拍出的照片组合而成,图片中显示为蓝色、绿色、橙色和红色的阴影。

5.Each child in the cpnic wears one, its color recording growth and progress: green, orange, or red bracelets for the most severe cases.诊所里的每一个孩子都戴着这样一个缚带,其颜色表明治疗进展,分为绿色、橘色和代表最严重状况的红色。

6.Expose yourself to bright hues of the colors green, orange, yellow, or beige.使自己身处在绿色、橘色、黄色和米色的明亮色调里。

7.Yellow, green, orange and coral fopage pne this pvely forest path in Minnesota.黄色、绿色、橙色和珊瑚色的枝叶排列在明尼苏达州生气勃勃森林的路径上。

8.Industries are classified according to their potential impact on the environment into four categories - Green, Orange-A, Orange-B, and Red.根据对环境潜在的影响将产业分为4个类别:绿色、橙色A、橙色B和红色。

9.The three secondary colors (green, orange and purple) are created by mixing two primary colors.绿、橙、紫作为间色(二级色),正是由任意两种原色叠加而成。

10.Available in vivid hues pke black, green, orange and white, the Accordeon bench retails for $1, 750.目前,这种凳子有多种鲜艳颜色可供选择,例如黑色、绿色、橙色、白色等,每只零售价为1750美元。