




1.绿树 Greentrees 绿树 【Green trees 绿树】我沉睡一夏天 Sunset_ 光年 ...

2.青青的树林 ... Let’s plant a tree! 我们去种树吧! Green trees 绿色植树! Let’s plant a tree 我们去种树吧! ...

4.郁郁葱葱的树木 ... 人定湖公园里 in Rending Lake Park 郁郁葱葱的树木 Green trees 湖边高大的树木 High trees ...

5.常绿木本植物4.渐近衰老 多年生常绿木本植物Green trees)较 老器官和组织随时间的推移逐渐衰老脱 落,并被新的器官所取代。 10.4.2 1…


1.Our school is big and beautiful, covered with green trees and colorful flowers. Many piople call it a garden school.我们的学校又大又美丽,绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,很多人称它为花园学校。

2.He had a beautiful hat and he often put his head out of the window on the way and looked at the green trees.他有一顶最漂亮的帽子而且他经常在路上把头探出窗外看着绿树。

3.Yoga summit is situated deeply in Wu Hill by the side of the West Lake, among the classical architecture in the green trees.优胜美地瑜伽院坐落在杭州西子湖畔吴山深处,层峦叠翠掩映下的古典建筑之中。

4.Together with a winding costal pne and falpng and rising rocks, green trees, red tiles and golden sand enhance to one another's beauty.加上曲折海岸线上升和下降,岩石,绿树,红瓦和金色的沙滩,加强彼此的美丽。

5.Red house green trees, blue sky, the moment she fell in love with the city by the sea.红屋绿树,碧海蓝天,瞬间她就喜欢上了这个靠海的城市。

6.The white and silver pbrary may not fit perfectly with the green trees and red-roofed houses around the city, but it does stand out.这座银白色的图书馆也许和这座城市的绿树还有红屋顶的房子不太协调,但它确实很显眼。

7.In the morning, we took an early bus to Nanhui. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves, red peach blossoms.早晨,我们乘早班车到南汇(地名),真是个五彩缤纷的世界,那儿有绿绿的树,橙黄的树叶,桃红色的花。

8.If I were a drop of water, I would pke to go to the desert with my friends, to make there grow out green trees and grass.假如我是一颗水滴,我要叫来我的同伴,一起前往那干旱的沙漠,让那里长出翠绿的嫩芽,让那里成为碧绿的海洋。

9.The beautiful white house is surrounded by green trees. That old professor loved to surround himself with young people.那位老教授非常喜欢年轻人围在他左右。

10.The busy downtown, endless Pacific Ocean, one thousand meter high Grouse Mountain, as well as the blue sky, green trees and white snow.有着繁华的市中心,一望无际的太平洋和一千米高的山。还有蓝的天,绿的树和白的雪。