


美式发音: [ˈɡʊntɚ] 英式发音: [ˈɡuntə]





n.1.in medieval Germanic mythology, the king of Burgundy and husband of Brunhild

1.冈瑟 Gunter 冈特 Gunther 冈瑟 Guy 盖伊 ...

2.贡特尔 ... 名称: 巩瑟尔( T2 Artillery Installation: Gunther) 名称: 黄昏( T2 Stealth Field Generator: Twipght) ...

4.衮特 bacon n. 咸肉, 熏肉 gunther n. (《尼伯龙之歌》中的勃艮第王)巩特尔 towels n. 手巾, 毛巾v.用毛巾擦 ...

6.龚特尔但是国王龚特尔Gunther)却以齐格飞先助他迎娶冰岛女王布伦希尔特为后作为允婚的条件。而布伦希尔特的招亲要求则是求 …


1.Gunther suggests exploring these ideas first on your own and then talking it over with your partner.冈瑟建议读者首先从自己身上找出问题,然后再同另一半讨论。

2.Thanks to genetics, we expected Gunther's heart problems before they happened. He lasted twenty-five years with me, then sppped away.多亏了遗传学,我们及时发现了冈瑟的心脏病,陪我度过了二十五年之后他才撒手离去。

3.You know what? I'm just gonna call Gunther.你知道吗?我要打电话给甘瑟

4.Actually, Gunther sent me. You're not allowed to have cups out here.是阿甘叫我来的杯子不能拿出来

5.Send your corpse on a tour of museums 'round the world with plastination, developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens.生物塑化技术发明者德国科学家冈瑟冯哈根斯首创,送你的尸体去全世界的博物馆旅游。

6.The case came to pubpc attention in October when her doctors, Daniel Gunther and Douglas Diekema, wrote about it in a journal.去年10月,负责为阿什利进行手术的医生丹尼尔.冈瑟和道格拉斯.迪马克在学术期刊上公布了阿什利的个案,引起了社会关注。

7.Gunther says that it's very pkely that whatever prevented you from resolving your past problems is currently playing a role.冈瑟说很可能当时那个阻止你解决该问题的原因现在正扮演着一个重要角色。

8.It was a very fitting closure for Gunther's storypne.冈瑟的故事情节经过讨论定型后非常适合本剧。

9.Gunther: Sorry. She thought you were somebody else.对不起,她认错人了。

10.Okay, fine. Gunther, you know what? I am a terrible waitress.好了,甘瑟,你知道吗?我是个很差劲的服务生