




1.葛吉夫ieff Movements),是二十世纪初的奇人葛吉夫Gurdjieff)从他在埃及、中亚、中东、印度与西藏的游历中所整合出来的, …


7.灵修者古捷耶夫都不晓得这门学问,直到西元一九二零年,一位冒险家及灵修者古捷耶夫(Gurdjieff)将它传到欧洲,并在法国巴黎附近的一所 …


1.Gurdjieff used to say that you cannot become a man unless you stop being a monkey -- and he was right.古尔捷耶夫曾说,除非你停止做一只猴子,否则你就不能成为一个人——他是对的。

2.After Gurdjieff's death, and while employed by Shell, Wack continued to spend several weeks a year meditating in India with another guru.在葛吉夫死后,瓦克受雇于壳牌石油,但他还是每年都要花上数个星期前往印度和另外一位导师进行冥想。

3.Gurdjieff taught that with special insight it was possible to "see" the future.葛吉夫认为,从某种特殊的视角来看的话,人是可以“看见”未来的。

4.Gurdjieff was to present his ballet there.葛吉夫将在那里上演他的芭蕾舞。

5.Gurdjieff was a spiritual teacher who died in France in 1949.葛吉夫1949年卒于法国,曾经是一位精神导师。

6.He was, in short, another Gurdjieff. Dr.简而言之他是另外的葛吉夫。

7.Gurdjieff asked Fritz Peters to tell him how many acorns he saw in the oak tree outside the window.葛吉夫要佛利兹彼得(该书作者)告诉他窗外看到的橡树有多少橡子。

8.In the spring of 1915 I met in Moscow George Gurdjieff.在1915年春天我在莫斯科遇见葛吉夫。

9.when russian ballet , notably that of diaghilev made a great impact in the west , gurdjieff introduced his revolutionary form of ballet当俄罗斯芭蕾舞、尤其是迪亚捷列夫的芭蕾在西方造成极大影响时,葛吉夫推出了他的革新形式的芭蕾舞。

10.Let us look at Gurdjieff, for example.例如,我们来看看葛吉夫。