




1.哈罗拜拜 1964. PLEASURE SEEKERS,THE{ 蝶恋花娇} 1970. HELLO-GOODBYE{ 哈罗拜拜} 1970. INVINCIBLE SIX,THE{ 烽火慾海 …


1.This rule instructs make -- if it wishes to build the target all -- to first make sure that hello, goodbye, and fibonacci are up to date.这条规则会告诉make——如果希望编译目标all——首先要确保hello、goodbye和fibonacci都是最新的。

2.This moment was then ah, those who have the undercurrent is so much pke our two most common greeting: Hello, goodbye.此一时彼一时啊,那些曾经的暗流,是多么像我们最常见的两个问候语:你好,再见。

3.As the summer of 1944 passed, Johnson's French improved, and Gilbert learned to say hello, goodbye, thank you, jeep, ship, and ice cream.就这样,1944年的夏天过去了,约翰森的法语有所提高,而吉尔伯特也学会用英文说:你好、再见、谢谢、吉普、船和冰淇淋。

4.In normal times, when people meet each other, they will bow and say " hello, goodbye, please look after me more" and so on.平时人们见面总要互施鞠躬礼,并说“您好”,“再见”,“请多关照”等。

5.say hello (goodbye, sorry, yes, no) to向某人问好(道别,道歉,同意,拒绝)

6.am hello goodbye how are you good morning fine thank我是你好再见怎样是你好的早晨,上午身体很好谢谢