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网络释义:神圣罗马帝国;缺氧反应元件(hypoxia response element);hypoxia responsive element


abbr.1.Holy Roman Emperor2.Holy Roman Empire

1.神圣罗马帝国 BER Berry 布尔日 # HRE 神圣罗马帝国 AAC Aachen 亚琛 ...

2.缺氧反应元件(hypoxia response element)调控进行了积极探索,该研究应用MLC-2v启动子和HRE(hypoxia responsive element)调控VEGF和angiopoietin-1在心肌缺血 …

4.缺氧应答元件HIF-1α与 HIF-1β结合,进入细胞核,与靶基因启动子区的缺氧应答元件(HRE)识别 并结合,启动靶基因的转录。 HIF-1α转录活化的 …

5.抵押银行如将德国地产抵押银行HRE)风险资产剥离到坏账银行FMS Wertmanagement,以及对WestLB旗下的坏账银行EAA的救援 …


1.Austria's "Reclaim the Empire" mission is now aborted and no longer available after the HRE has been dismantled.当神圣罗马帝国被解散后奥地利的「恢复帝国」任务将会中止和不再出现。

2.So it is now time to give something back so there is always a viable strategy for HRE countries to expand inside the empire.因此,现在是时候回馈所以总是有一个可行的策略,人权教育国家扩大内需的帝国。

3.Note: Note that it is perfectly possible to be at war with another HRE faction while not being banned.备注:当你对另一个HRE家族宣战时,你可能不会被驱逐。

4.If the score reaches a certain level, the strongest lord of the HRE will become Counter King and the leader of the opposition.如果分数到达一定水平,HRE内最强的领主会另立为帝,成为反对派的领袖。

5.Next the HRE, we have made it more difficult to take non core territory inside the HRE if you are a member.接下来的人权教育,我们已采取更难以在非核心领域的人权教育,如果你是一个成员。

6.One German real estate bank, HRE, has already had to be nationapzed.一家德国的不动产抵押银行HRE已经不得不收归国有了。

7.We aimed to compare polyp miss rates with NBI with those of high resolution endoscopy ( HRE).因此我们的目的就是比较窄带成像内镜(NBI)和高清晰内镜(HRE)对息肉的检测失误率。

8.Also important at the HRE level is the way the whole system is integrated with the whole new Casus Belp system.此外,在HRE重要的是整个系统与全新宣战系统集成的方式。

9.In the example above, Denmark is the legitimate owner of Oldenburg, but not a member country of the HRE.因此,一个帝国省份的拥有者可能并非成员国,虽然它合法地拥有该帝国省份。

10.Fixed Infinite loop freeze on page 5 of the ledger after disbanding the HRE.修正了当解散神圣罗马帝国后资料表第5页无限循环的问题。