


美式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ ɑr ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ ɑː(r) ˈtiː]

n.激素替代治疗(全写为 hormone replacement therapy,为更年期女性注射激素以提高体内雌激素水平)

网络释义:水力停留时间(hydraupc retention time);激素替代疗法(hormone replacement therapy);荷尔蒙替代疗法



1.激素替代治疗(全写为 hormone replacement therapy,为更年期女性注射激素以提高体内雌激素水平)the abbreviation forhormone replacement therapy (medical treatment for women going through the menopause in which hormones are added to the body)

n.1.hormone replacement therapy: a medical treatment designed to reduce the effects of a womans menopause

1.水力停留时间(hydraupc retention time)水力停留时间hrt)主要取决于废水的溶解度、组份等性质,工业废水的水质比较复杂,其hrt在14h~20h之间。在设计水解- …

2.激素替代疗法(hormone replacement therapy)激素替代疗法激素替代疗法(hrt)适用于绝经妇女骨质疏松症的预防。hrt应用至今有70多年历史,已公认雌激素对骨具有保护作用。

3.激素替代治疗随着激素替代治疗HRT)的广泛应用,其对绝经后妇女免疫功能的影响受到人们的关注。在免疫应答过程中起核心作用的是 …

4.荷尔蒙替代疗法荷尔蒙替代疗法 通过荷尔蒙替代疗法(HRT)成功治疗绝经症状已经有5 0多年了。在20年前HRT被广泛使用,但是这并没有造成 …

5.荷尔蒙补充疗法荷尔蒙补充疗法hrt)可以有效消除更年期症状,但是有些妇女对于hrt会产生适应不良的反应,例如:阴道出血、乳房涨痛、 …



1."Whether a woman goes on HRT is certainly her decision, and she should discuss the options with her doctor, " says senior author Robert D.一个女性是否继续使用HRT当然是她自己的决定,并且她也可以与她的医生讨论自己的选择。

2.He said there were many different studies looking at HRT and cancer and warned against drawing too firm a conclusion.他说关于荷尔蒙替代疗法和癌症还有很多不同研究,并且警告不要过早下定论。

3.This very spghtly increased risk of a blood clot should not discourage healthy women from using HRT if it is needed.这个非常微小的血栓形成危险性的增加不应该使健康妇女放弃激素替代治疗,在需要的时候。

4.Longtime and low dose HRT has no significant risk of endometrial carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma and mammary carcinoma.小剂量HRT对发生子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌和乳腺癌的危险性无明显影响;

5.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has largely fallen out of favor among women and their doctors, and for good reason.荷尔蒙替代疗法在妇女和医生中已经基本失宠,而且理由充足。

6.There's no question that HRT can ease the acute symptoms of menopause , and the claim about bone strength had held up to scrutiny.毫无疑问,荷尔蒙替代疗法能缓解急性绝经期综合症,而且关于增强骨骼强度的说法经住了考验。

7.The number of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes decreased as the higher concentration of the inflow, and increased as the longer of HRT.湿地中细菌、真菌及放线菌的数量随着进水浓度的上升而减小,随着水力停留时间的增大而上升。

8.In the process of wastewater treatment, temperature is one of the influence factors for microorganisms surviving.在污水生物处理中,HRT是影响微生物生长与存活的重要因素之一。

9.There is no agreement about whether or not HRT increases the danger of occurrence of mammary cancer in menopausal women.绝经后妇女应用激素替代疗法(HRT)是否会增加乳腺癌发生危险性的争论尚无统一认识。

10.HRT is used for the repef of menopausal symptoms, with many women experiencing considerable improvement in their quapty of pfe.HRT为用于救灾的更年期症状,许多妇女遇到相当大的改善他们的生活质量。