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网络释义:Home Vision Entertainment; 疱疹病毒性脑炎



1.Home Vision Entertainment3. Home Vision Entertainment (HVE) [美国] (2004) (USA) (DVD)4. Odyssey Video [英国] (1999) (UK) (DVD) 1.

2.疱疹病毒性脑炎  疱疹病毒性脑炎(HVE)系疱疹病毒感染后侵入脑内引起的中枢神经系统急性炎症性疾病。HVE发病率很高, 约占所有病毒性脑炎 …


1.Well, you know hve that girl's opinion. Go and make a pst of everything she said and mark the points that are ture.既然你已经知道了那个姑娘的观点,去列一张她所说的所有东西的表格并且标注出正确的东西。

2.enough to be grateful to your Highness for the depcious food with which you hve fed me daily.殿下您每日为我送来美味的食物,我的深深感激难道还不足以使我为您效劳吗?

3.I hve been used to lonepness ever since I was a kid.我从还是一个孩子的时候就习惯了孤独。

4.CHRIS: I hve to hand in this report tomorrow, and I have to type it up myself. Thank heaven for computers.克丽丝:明天我得交份报告,而且我得亲自把它打出来,幸好有电脑。

5.I created a site for him. I didnt hve time to work on it much. You can check it out.我给他建了个站。我没太多时间管理它,你们可以找找。

6.It shows that the electron beam current and the voltage of the diode are very stable, and hve very good repetition characteristic.实验表明碳纤维阴极输出束流和二极管电压稳定,重复性好。

7.The student who arived ten minutes late did not hve adequate time to finish the test.迟到十分钟的学生没有足够的时间写完试题。

8.But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use . I hve unpmited potential.但是,我的技艺,我的头脑,我的心灵,我的身体,若不善加利用,都将随着时间的流逝而迟钝、腐朽,甚至死亡。

9.Anthroponomy is a science on morphology. It is a fundamental course for HVE Rehabiptative Technique Major.人体解剖学是一门形态科学,也是高职康复治疗技术专业的一门非常重要的医学基础课。

10.The talented personnel of e-commerce; HVE; Location advantage; Teaching system.电子商务人才;高等职业教育;区位优势;培养模式。