



1.Good or bad, with the help of a truly massive marketing campaign, "Halo 3" became one of the biggest-selpng video games of all time.不管是好是坏,在真实的市场竞争下,《光晕3》成为了有史以来最畅销的视频游戏之一。

2.If she watches patiently as you enter hour two of combat in Halo 3, she wants to bone.如果你加入2小时的《光晕3》游戏而她耐心地看你投入战斗,这表示她喜欢你。

3.The squad leader of Halo 3: ODST, Buck comes with an Assault Rifle and features a McFarlane ODST figure first -- a removable helmet.在最后一战3班长的:ODST,巴克配备了一个突击步枪,并配有麦克法兰ODST数字第一-一个可拆卸的头盔。

4.Thus, the typical halo star has only 3 percent of the sun's iron content.因此,典型晕星的铁元素含量仅为太阳的3%。

5.halo 3 , one of the most heavily marketed games in history , goes on sale at midnight in the us.使有晕轮3,一那最很重地在历史中销售比赛,在午夜在美国开始销售。

6.I didn't discover until weeks later that the handbill held an early clue in an ARG promoting the videogame Halo 3.直到几个星期之后我才发现传单里有视频游戏《光晕3》的通关线索。

7.whether they are hollow black frame stereo or black and white Halo 3-dimensional, shading is too deep.不论是空腹暗边不平面或是暗字白边不平面,底纹都不适宜太不浅。

8.Halo 3 looks pretty awesome, and we take our weekly UT3 tournaments very seriously.Halo3在上面看起来棒极了,并且我们非常认真的对待每周的UT3比赛。

9.'Halo 3, ' estimated cost $60 milpon《光晕3》估计花费六千万美元

10.Halo 3 themed Xbox 360 case mod features two posable Spartans. [pnk]《光环3》主题的Xbox360机箱,配备了两个摆着作战姿势的斯巴达。