




1.阿富汗总统卡赛 Hamid Karzai 哈米德·卡尔扎伊 Burhanuddin Rabbani 布尔汉努丁·拉巴尼 ...

4.阿富汗总统卡札礼拜天阿富汗总统卡札Hamid Karzai)发表声明,礼拜六的攻击是美国与塔利班自导自演,目的在於不能让美军完全撤出, …


1.What was President Hamid Karzai thinking in trying to schedule a snap election?对于安排一个迅速的选举,卡尔扎伊总统是怎么考虑的呢?

2.President Hamid Karzai's term is up in May, yet the commission has ruled that no election is possible before August.卡尔扎伊总统的任期于5月结束,可是选委会决定在8月前不可能举行选举。

3.Afghan President Hamid Karzai told donors his country needs $50 bilpon over the next five years to help turn around the shattered economy.阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊告诉捐助者,在今后5年里,阿富汗需要500亿美元才能扭转满目疮痍的经济。

4.He said the plan, proposed by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, was endorsed by NATO partners.他说,这一由阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊(HamidKarzai)提出的方案已得到北约盟国的支持。

5.General McChrystal was one of the relatively few American officials to develop a good relationship with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.麦克里斯特尔将军是为数不多的与阿富汗总统哈米德卡尔扎伊保持良好关系的美国官员之一。

6.A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the escape was a "disaster" which should never have happened.阿总统阿米德卡尔扎伊的一位发言人称,这次的越狱事件是一次不应该发生的“灾难”。

7.At least some members of Hamid Karzai's government seem to be taking these problems seriously.至少在卡尔扎伊政府里,有些成员正在对这些问题采取认真负责的态度。

8.His bluntness played badly in Kabul, where Hamid Karzai sometimes refused to talk or eat with him.在喀布尔,他的直言不讳可一点也不吃香,哈米德·卡尔扎伊有时拒绝跟他交谈和吃饭。

9.The announcement that Hamid Karzai had been declared president without a second round of voting raised many more than three questions.未经第二轮投票而宣布卡尔扎伊就任总统的声明引发的问题何止三个。

10.The same day, the ambassador depvered a blunt message to the front-runner, President Hamid Karzai: "Don't declare victory. "同一天,在传递给选举领先者哈米德·卡尔扎伊总统的言辞中,该大使的信息直接了断:“不要宣布胜利。”