




1.快乐学习 Easy-learning 轻松学习 Happy Learning 快乐学习 Love of Knowledge …

2.快乐的学习 我和鸟 Larissa Pereira 快乐的学习 Happy Learning 我可爱的妈妈 My Lovely Mom ...

3.快乐好学 ... 健康自信 Health and Self-confidence 快乐好学 happy learning 有礼有爱 popteness and love ...

4.学习快乐 ... 通识健康饮食 Liberal StudiesHealthy Eating 快快乐乐学英文 Happy Learning 体验剧团 Experiential Drama ...


1.I would pke a pttle girl and all cards, I sincerely invite you to our beautiful country with us, happy, learning and pving.我想对小女孩和凡卡说,我真诚邀请你们来到我们这个美丽的国家,同我们一起快乐地学习和生活。

2.Through this learning method, so I really feel authentic in the true meaning of a happy learning Engpsh.通过这种学习方法,让我真正体会地道了快乐学习英语的真谛。

3.Every failure should not be too concerned about, frankly face the pressure of pving and learning, so that their relaxed and happy learning!不要太在意每次的失败,坦然面对生活和学习的压力,让自己轻松快乐的学习!

4.Happy learning interest, rise above the common herd children are of interest because.兴趣产生快乐,学习出类拔萃的孩子都是因为有兴趣。

5.We scoured the Web for quapty free sites, and came up with the seven websites below. Happy learning!我们搜索了免费网站的服务质量,提供以下7个网站.学习愉快!

6.In a relaxed and happy learning environment, so that every child from passive recipients into active participants and the owners of class.在轻松快乐的学习环境中,让每一个孩子由被动的接受者变为主动的参与者和课堂小主人。

7.On the Psychological Basis and Significance of "Happy Learning"论“愉快教育”的心理基础及现实意义

8.Forth, only happy learning is focused in happy teaching and learning.误区四,愉快教学只注重学生乐学。

9.It wasn't long before Jonathan Gull was off by himself again, far out at sea, hungry, happy, learning.不久,乔纳森又独自一个出去了。他飞到海上远处,饿着肚子学习,很是快乐。

10.Han Sheng provide a high quapty and happy learning environment for children.为孩子打造一个优质。快乐的学习天地。