


美式发音: [ˈhɑrləm] 英式发音: [ˈhɑ:ləm]





un.1.district of New York City, on Manhattan Island, originally named Nieuw Haarlem by Dutch settlers in 1658

1.哈林区 余文乐[ Shawn] 庾澄庆[ Harlem] 黎明[ Leon] ...

5.黑人住宅区 harl 麻的纤维 Harlem 黑人住宅区 harlemite 哈林居民 ...

6.纽约哈莱姆区在美国纽约哈莱姆区Harlem)一个中产家庭;求学时期,在康涅狄格州(State of Connecticut)的私立寄宿学校上学。自少 …


1.But after graduating from Wadleigh High School in Harlem, he decided to take a year off rather than go directly to college.但是从哈林区的威莱高中毕业后,他决定休学一年,没有直接进入大学。

2.Harlem now, sort of explaining and thinking of itself in this part of the century, looking both backwards and forwards.现在的哈莱姆,算是阐释和思考着它自身,作为这个世纪的一部分,既有回顾,又有展望。

3.Born in Harlem , he was raised outside New York City by his mother after his father's murder.他出生于纽约市哈林区,父亲被谋杀后,母亲在纽约市市郊把他抚养长大。

4.One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem.有一天,他带我们班去看《歌剧院的幽灵》,那是一些孩子第一次出国宅。

5.Others said the reason was the high cost of food and price gouging by the merchants who owned stores, shops, and other businesses in Harlem.另一些人说也可能是那些拥有商店或商业的商人哄抬物价,消费过高的原因。

6.Hughes, pke others active in the Harlem Renaissance, had a strong sense of racial pride.就像其他活跃于哈莱姆文艺复兴运动中的艺术家,休斯也拥有强烈的种族自尊;

7.Before departure, Hu Gus Grass himself did not expect, but in the "Harlem Number" only stayed three days, on the condition of the.出发前,胡格斯特格自己也没想到,但在“哈林号”上只待了三天,就出状况了。

8.IN LESS than a week the legendary "Harlem Clubhouse" has suffered two mortal blows.不到一周的时间里,富有传奇色彩的“哈莱姆会所”已经遭受了两次致命打击。

9.They were an earnest and eager bunch, and their attire was more business-casual than sultry Spanish Harlem.他们是认真的,充满渴望一群人,他们的服装更多是商务休闲风格,而不是充满诱惑和热情的西班牙热辣风格。

10.Without notifying Karp, curators have been planning to sell more than a third of the remaining collection through a Harlem salvage dealer.管理者没有知会卡普,他们计划从哈勒姆区找个旧货商来卖掉至少三分之一剩下的收藏。