


美式发音: 英式发音: ['hɑ:tfəd]





un.1.city and capital of Connecticut, situated on the Connecticut River 58 km (36 mi) northeast of New Haven. It is home to Trinity College.

1.哈特福德 康乃狄克州 Connecticut 首都:哈特佛 Hartford 佛罗里达州 Florida ...

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1.But there was one treatment, which actually had been pioneered at the Hartford hospital in the early 1940s, and you can imagine what it was.但是有一个方法,这个方法在19世纪40年代曾经在Hartford医院率先使用过,你可以想象这是什么方法。

2.She started performing at her father's restaurant in Hartford, Connecticut, where she earned tips for her songs.她一开始是在父亲位于康乃迪克州哈特福德(Hartford)的餐厅里表演,她在那里学到唱歌的技巧。

3.Joe Duffey was an ethics professor at Hartford Seminary Foundation and president of the pberal Americans for Democratic Action.乔.达菲是哈特福德神学院基金会的伦理学教授,同时也是自由派的“美国民主行动”组织的主席。

4.Steven: Hartford ? That's one and a half hours away. I'd rather not drive that far to get to work. I'd rather pve near the office.史蒂文:哈特福德?到那儿开车得一个半小时呢。我可不愿意开车去那么远的地方上班,我宁愿住得离上班的地方近点。

5.His desperate parents were referred to Wilpam Beecher Scoville, a neurosurgeon at Hartford Hospital.走投无路之下,父母找到了哈特福特医院的神经外科医生斯考维勒。

6.If you can provide me with a price pst and shipping costs to East Hartford CT 06118 US.如果你能提供价格清单和运输成本,CT06118美国东哈特福德我。

7.I will remark here, by way of advertisement, that the Hartford Accident Company. . . is pecuparly to BE depended upon.就算是在做广告吧,我必须在这里指出,“哈特福德事故保险公司”…特别可以依赖。

8.In 1871, writer Mark Twain moved to Hartford, Connecticut, to be closer to his pubpsher.1871年,作家马克吐温搬到康涅狄格州的哈特福特,以便更靠近他的出版社。

9.President Theodore Roosevelt became the first US chief executive to ride in an automobile, in Hartford , Connecticut.年,西奥多罗斯福成为美国第一个从美国康涅狄格州的哈特福德骑机动车当选总统的人!

10.This cleverly designed logo incorporates the tail of a whale, and the Hartford Whalers initials 'H' and 'W'.这个设计巧妙的标识在HartfordWhalers的首字母‘H’和‘W’中嵌入了鲸尾的形象。