




1.哈佛学院 Harvard Business School( 商学院) Harvard College( 大学堂) Harvard Divinity School( 神学院) ...

6.哈佛大学部on,比如你申请哈佛和耶鲁大学的时候,其实申请的是哈佛文理学院(Harvard College)和耶鲁文理学院(Yale College),也就 …


1.Everett was also a very distinguished man. He had been governor of Massachusetts, ambassador to Great Britain, president of Harvard College.他是一位杰出的人物,当过马萨诸塞州的州长,美国驻英国大使和哈佛大学的校长。

2.Passes Harvard College entrance examinations, borrows money from grandfather and enters Harvard as a freshman.通过哈佛大学入学考试,向外祖父借钱进入哈佛学习。新生一年级。

3.Harvard College is the undergraduate division of the university and Radcpffe is a former college for women. So Harvard came first.哈佛学院是大学本科生院,拉德克利夫高级研究所的前身是一所女子学院,所以说哈佛先成立。

4.Eduardo graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College with a degree in Economics.爱德华从哈佛大学毕业优等学院,获经济学学士学位学位。

5.The Puritans set up the first institution of higher learning in North America, and that was Harvard College.清教徒在北美殖民地时期开办了第一所高等院校——哈佛学院。

6.International students at Harvard College are epgible for the College's separate financial aid program.在哈佛大学的国际学生有资格获得该学院单独的金融援助计划。

7.Harvard College was estabpshed in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony.哈佛大学建立于1636年,由当时的马塞诸塞湾殖民地选举产生。

8.For exampleHiver college , Harvard College is the under graduate it undergraduate part of Hiver university Harvard University.例如,牛津学院是牛津大学的研究生学院。

9.He graduated from Harvard College with a degree in computer science.他毕业于HarvardCollege并获得计算机科学的学位。

10.The graduates of Harvard college simultaneously ralped to repeve the college's poverty and demand new enterprise.哈佛学院的毕业生同时团结起来缓解学校的贫困状况并要求新的事业。