




1.海洋之心ump, I jump。”一段浪漫凄美的爱情故事,海洋之心(heart of the ocean) 项链随着 Rose 的指间滑落海底,伴随着一段刻骨 …

2.海洋之心-蓝星能量 ... Heart of the Ocean 海洋之心-蓝星能量 Music of the Spheres 音乐的领域 ...

3.海洋之星 纳欧米 Naomi 海洋之星 Heart of the Ocean 82元 F116 ...

4.铁达尼舞曲 Heartbeat - 心跳 Heart Of The Ocean - 铁达尼舞曲 Sunpght - 日光 ...

5.海之心场屌丝的逆袭。矮矬穷通过花言巧语骗到了女神,还令高富帅赔了夫人又折心heart of the ocean),结果船沉了,一切玩完…


1.Indus . . . shower of fragrant blue, purple rose in the air to breathe, enjoy music in the heart of the ocean!沐浴青桐的芬芳、呼吸紫玫的气息,畅游在心灵乐章的海洋!

2.You had been arrested. We had already know 'the heart of the ocean' is in your hand.你被捕了。我们已经知道海洋之心在你手上。

3.I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett.啊,我想问一下你有没有找到那颗海洋之星,拉维特先生

4.At the heart of the ocean, the Maelstrom churns endlessly.在海洋的心脏,大漩涡搅动不休。

5.When the "heart of the ocean" have gone down with the ship , I know , The story has over , forever.当那颗海洋之心缓缓坠入海洋之时,我知道,故事结束了。永远。

6.You gave me a tear, I'll see you all in the heart of the ocean ?你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋——《左手倒影右手年华》?

7.Don't you want to find out the heart of the ocean?你们不想找到海洋之心了吗?

8.MoW: They are born in the deep heart of the ocean. Well, let's call them Haier Brothers.智能老人:他们出生在大海的深处,就叫海尔兄弟吧。