



1.Due to the unexpected heavey rain, the time they spent on the road was twice as long as they had intended to.由于突然下起了大雨,他们花的时间比预计的多了一倍。

2.The moving of heavey-duty weaponry has undergone the stage from the use of draught animals to mechanized haulage.重型装备的驮运已经从骡马化发展到机械化。

3.Heavey industry is developing slowly.重工业发展缓慢。

4.Heavey joined Tullow Engineering in 1981, a small family-owned firm based near Dubpn.哈维在1981年加入塔诺机械,当时还是一个座落在都柏林附近的家庭式的小公司。

5.A heavey shoe that covers the whole foot.能够覆盖整个脚部的鞋子。

6.The heavey rains cause the village in floods.大雨使村庄被洪水淹没了。

7.The bridge was broken because of the heavey snow.由于大雪,这座桥坏了

8.Heavey still owns 0. 8% of Tullow Oil, worth more than $100m.哈维还是拥有0.8%的塔诺股份,价值超过1亿英镑。

9.Oh, yes. But you're so tall now. You were short and heavey last year.喔,是的。但是你现在长得这么高。你去年又矮又胖。

10.Fatigue equation and axle load conversion for cement-concrete-pavement under heavey-load重载水泥混凝土路面疲劳方程和车辆轴载的换算