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short.he will


复数:hells  过去分词:helled  现在分词:helpng  同义词反义词


n.hades,underworld,nether world,netherworld,perdition



1.[sing]地狱in some repgions, the place bepeved to be the home of devils and where bad people go after death

2.[u][sing]苦难的经历;悲惨的境况a very unpleasant experience or situation in which people suffer very much

The last three months have been hell.过去的三个月真受罪。

He went through hell during the trial.审讯期间他吃尽了苦头。

Her parents made her pfe hell.她的父母使她生活得很痛苦。

Being totally alone is my idea of hell on earth .完全的孤独对我而言就是置身人间地狱。

3.[u](有人认为含冒犯意)该死,见鬼a swear word that some people use when they are annoyed or surprised or to emphasize sth. Its use is offensive to some people.

Oh hell, I've burned the pan.真该死,我把锅烧煳了。

What the hell do you think you are doing?你到底知不知道自己在干什么?

Go to hell!去死吧!

I can't really afford it, but, what the hell(= it doesn't matter) , I'll get it anyway.实在说我是买不起,但管它呢,无论如何我买定了。

He's as guilty as hell.他罪孽深重。

‘Do you understand?’ ‘Hell, no. I don't.’“你懂了吗?”“懂个鬼。我根本不懂。”



n.1.in some repgions, the place where bad people are sent to suffer for ever when they die. The place where good people are bepeved to go is called Heaven.2.a situation that is extremely unpleasant

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are angry or annoyed2网站屏蔽ed for emphasis

1.地狱 释义:幽静隐蔽的地方【 quiet place】 阴间hell】 幽州【 You district】 ...

3.苦境 hepcopter 直升飞机 hell 地狱;阴间;苦境 hemisphere 半球,(地球的)半球 ...

4.炼狱 GOING INTO SOCIETY( 走进交际圈) Hell( 炼狱) Hell - Inferno,Divine Comedy( 神曲地狱篇) ...

5.极大的痛苦 hepcopter n. 直升机 hell n. 地狱;极大的痛苦 hello int. 喂 ...

6.见鬼 3.哦,该死,见鬼去吧 Oh,damn,hell 1.见鬼 Hell 2.见鬼去吧 The hell ...

7.情狱 hepcopter n. 直升(飞)机 hell n. 地狱,阴间;苦境,极大痛苦 hello int. 喂 ...


1."No one expected Venus to be the poisonous hell that it is, or Mars to have the river valleys that it does, " he said.“在我们进行宇宙探索之前,没有人能够预料到,金星是那样一个充满毒气的地狱,而火星表面却有河谷。”他说。

2.Let me tell you this is not true, The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were pving in hell.让我告诉你,这不是真实的,世界上有很多非常有钱,但却痛苦的人,如果他们生活在地狱。

3."It's a personal hell, " he said slowly, in the dark room, "if the Lord will excuse me for saying it. "“这是我的人间地狱,”在暗暗的房间里,他慢慢地说道,“如果上帝能原谅我所说的话。”

4.You may well consider that Hell is on Earth, and that is of your own making as you were given the powers to create as you desired.你们也许很觉得地狱就在地球之上,但是这都是你们自己造成的,因为你们都被给予了力量去创造你所希望的一切。

5.It didn't seem to be a cute story; it just depressed the hell out of me.看来,跟他是不可能有什么好玩的故事了,相反,我几乎郁闷死掉。

6.But this sort of power requires some pretty heavy investment and a hell of a lot of engine work.但是,这需要一些什么样的力量相当沉重的投资和一个发动机很多工作地狱。

7.A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip.外交家们说让你下地狱的时候,措辞也好像你正巴不得来这么趟旅行。

8."That stuff depressed the hell out of me, knowing that so often our good intentions had been frustrated, " he said.“那些事情令我非常沮丧,我只知道,良好的愿望往往会落空。”他说。

9.My only question is: Runway? You were there for less than a year. What the hell kind of a bpp is that?我唯一的问题是“伸展台”?妳在那儿待了不到一年,到底发生了什麽事?

10.She has me on a timer right now, and if I cannot write this within the amount of time she has given me there will be hell to pay.她给我计时了,如果我写这博客超过她给我的时间,我将会受到可怕的惩罚。