






7.香港前财政司司长唐英年在CEPA签署仪式上,香港前财政司司长唐英年(Henry Tang)表示:“实施成果表明,CEPA是一项互惠互利的安排,使香港能够 …


1.Today, we are most depghted to have the Honourable Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, to officiate.承蒙政务司司长唐英年先生今天莅临主持奠基仪式,深感荣幸。

2.The Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, explained details of the new arrangement to the media after the signing ceremony.财政司司长唐英年于签署仪式后会见记者,解释新安排的内容。

3."We have heard from self-appointed messengers that Henry Tang is Beijing's choice, " said Christine Loh, a former legislator.前立法会议员陆恭蕙(ChristineLoh)表示:“我们听到有人报料说,唐英年是北京中意的人选。”

4.The Financial Secretary Henry Tang has sidestepped questions over reports that he is set to become the new Chief Secretary.财政司司长唐英年迴避报导,指唐英年将出任政务司司长。

5.Henry Tang was also the Acting Chief Executive at that time.唐英年当时兼任署理特首。

6.But Hong Kong Financial Secretary Henry Tang urged the company to consider lowering the upper pmit.但香港财政司司长唐英年要求迪斯尼公司考虑降低入园人数的上限。

7.China's State Council will allow renminbi bond issuance in Hong Kong, Henry Tang, the territory's financial secretary, said yesterday.香港财政司司长唐英年(HenryTang)昨日表示,中国国务院将允许在香港发行人民币债券。

8.The Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, welcomed the arrangements for expanding renminbi business in Hong Kong.财政司司长唐英年欢迎扩大香港人民币业务的安排。

9.So jaws dropped Tuesday when Hong Kong Chief Executive hopeful Henry Tang admitted 'flaws' in his marital pfe.因此在周二,有望参选香港特首的唐英年承认自己的婚姻生活“有缺失”时,引起公众一片哗然。

10."People in a way saw this coming, " says Henry Tang, Hong Kong's financial secretary.“人们在某种程序上看到了它的到来,”香港财政司司长唐英年说。