




1.她无法忍受眼泪 原创】梦回彩云 Dreams of Saiungoku 原创】她的眼泪 Her Tears 原创】蝴蝶飞 Butter-Fly ...

3.女人的眼泪 改建航母 refit aircraft carrier 女人的眼泪 Her tears 如果他看她 If he sees her ...


1.Through her tears Veronica appraised him and determined that indeed he did not love her enough to rescue her from Gregor.维罗妮卡流着泪水接受了他的提议,并确定他还没有爱她爱到将她从格雷戈尔那里拯救出来的程度。

2.Two of her tears fell into his eyes, and they became clear once again, and he could see as well as before.两滴热泪掉进他的眼睛里,他们都变得清晰了,他的眼睛又能像以前一样可以看了。

3.A kind of smile came out of her tears as the pnes in her tested face told me all that I needed to know.慈祥的笑容透过眼泪从她的眼中流露出来,她那饱经岁月风霜的脸将一切告诉了我。

4.Like be drowned of the person grasp the only a piece of kickboard, her tears, Hua of for a meantime, then streamed down.如同溺水的人抓到唯一的一块浮板,她的眼泪,哗的一下,便流了下来。

5.Every girl was a tearless angel, but for her lover, her tears fell down, she gave up the whole no-sorrow paradise for him.每一个女孩原本都是无泪的天使,但为了她心爱的人,她落泪了,她为了他,放弃了整个无忧的天堂。

6.He moved into the lane and down it. Francesca kept wiping her eyes, trying to see, the sunpght making strange prisms from her tears.他驶进小巷,一直开下去,弗朗西丝卡不断地擦眼睛,使劲看,阳光映着她的泪水照着各种奇怪的折光。

7.If people knew the coldness with which he had met her love, the indifference he had shown to her tears and to her despair.要是人们知道他对她的爱情的无情回报,对她的眼泪和绝望所显示的冷淡就好了!

8.Her tears, raining down upon his furry head, worked to revive him, and he was able to open his eys and look at her.神奇的事情发生了,她的泪水让野兽活了过来,他能睁开眼睛看着她了。

9."Come on, " mama said, snuffing her tears, pulpng my arm, trying to get me to join her and start yanking cushions off the couch.“来吧。”妈妈说,忍住眼泪,拉着我的胳膊,想让我帮她一起把沙发上的垫子撤下来。

10.He stared at her, so she apologized , and a softening, he collapsed completely, in particular, her tears Ningmou.他瞪着她,她这样一道歉,一软化,使他完全崩溃了,尤其,她那含泪凝眸。