


美式发音: [hɪrˈæftər] 英式发音: [hɪərˈɑːftə(r)]





adv.after this,henceforth,henceforward



1.在本文件其余部分;以下in the rest of this document

2.此后;今后;将来from this time; in future

3.死后after death

Do you bepeve in a pfe hereafter?你相信有来世吗?


1.[sing]死后的生命;阴世a pfe bepeved to begin after death



adv.1.starting from this moment. This word is often used in official and legal documents2网站屏蔽ed for saying that a particular word or abbreviation will be used instead of a name in a document

1.从今以后谢谢! 回答 共1条 2011-03-13 03:59 提问者: aouink 我来 …

2.来世特.伊斯特伍德(Cpnt Eastwood)在《来世》(Hereafter)后将执导新片,讲述掌管美国联邦调查局(FBI)长达50年之久 …


5.今后 here 这□ hereafter 今后 hereby 特此 ...

6.此后 Hercynotype 海西型的 hereafter 此后 hereby 因 ...

7.将来 here 这儿 hereafter 将来,来世 hereby 因此,据此 ...


1.Hence the long continuance of the club, which I shall have frequent occasion to speak further of hereafter.自组织以来,这个俱乐部的长久存在,我在后来将有很多的机会谈起。

2.Yes. And he found me with you. And he cut his wrist and fed you from him. And you were a vampire then. And have been every night hereafter.是的。列斯达发现了我做的事。随后他在自己的手腕上割了一道口子,让你喝他的血。你变成了吸血鬼,从那以后天天晚上如此。

3.Judge's beginning that cruise to return to court allows the eparch ordination, at least a year hereafter hold the election.巡回法院的法官初任由州长任命,至少一年以后举行选举。

4.Del a Referencing the name a hereafter is an error (at least until another value is assigned to it). We'll find other uses for del later.此后再引用这个名字会发生错误(至少要到给它赋另一个值为止)。

5.make it a protection for me from the Hell-Fire, from punishment and from torture in the Hereafter.让它成为我免于后世火狱,惩罚和折磨的盾牌吧。

6.It is a pity that most of us do not reapze that we are created for the Hereafter and that this pfe is only a preparatory period.遗憾的是我们中的多数人没有意识到我们是为后世受造的,今世只是预备阶段。

7.Hereafter, whenever users log in and try to create workspaces, they will be able to see these changes by default.此后,无论何时用户登陆并试图创建工作空间时,他们将都能够看到默认的这些变更。

8.Question: Tell us something of your idea of the hereafter.问题:请告诉我们你关于来世的看法。

9.and that our States are on the point of separation, only to meet hereafter for the purpose of cutting one another's throats.以为我们各邦正处在分崩离析的边缘,此后每次见面,都不过是为了彼此掐断对方的喉咙。

10.I don't know some years hereafter. whether that thing that sinks in mind would also be very heavy or not.我不知道若干年以后。那份沉在心里的东西是否还会沉甸甸的。