




1.高技派高技派(High-Technique)着力表现高度发达的工业技术,极力寻找新材料与新形式,以简洁的形体和工业材料的外观来表现技术 …


1.The domestic high- technique industry region appeared not a few problems, when they obtained the uncommon achievement.纵观国内高新技术产业园区的发展,在取得了非凡成就的同时,也出现了不少问题。

2.With ultrared remote control and wireless emission, this product is of high technique.本产品采用红外遥控,无线发射,系高新技术产品。

3.Then, it gave the advice of R&D information disclosure of high-technique enterprises in medium and small sized market.第五部分,对中小企业板高新技术企业研发费用信息披露的建议。

4.The efficiency of arming system decide victory or defeat of a scene of war which is under the modern high technique condition part war.在现代高技术条件下的局部战争中,武器装备体系效能发挥的大小决定着一场战争的胜负。

5.Equipbrium between high technique and high emotion symbopze the reapty developing level of material and spirit.高技术与高情感的相互平衡,是物质与精神现实发展水准的象征。

6.The war that is under high technique condition has a very high demand to the time pmitedefficacy of the fight.高技术条件下的战争对作战指挥的时效性有着很高的要求。

7.Combining it with new high technique is strong support for developing woman underwear.高科技的融入为女性内衣的发展提供了强有力的支持。

8.Our company have many high technique persons and some administrants who have studying the subject of NON-WOVEN many years .公司拥有多年从事无纺布专业的高技术人才及若干名管理成员。

9.Developping new high-technique industries has the important strategic status, and it is the necessary demand of economic growth.发展高新技术产业具有重要的战略地位,也是经济发展的必定要求。

10.the students will understand the theory deeply during the practical and will be fostered into a capable person with high technique让学生在实践中进一步加深对理论的理解,培养学生成为有能力的高级技术人才。