




1.无家可归的人 41.hang out 闲逛 43.homeless people 无家可归的人 44.food bank 食品库 ...

2.无家可归者 rationing 定量 homeless people 无家可归者 exposure 露宿街头 ...

3.无家可归的人们 55.disabled people 残疾人 62.homeless people 无家可归的人们 63. face these challenges 面对这些挑战 ...

4.露宿者 ... supply sth to…… 向……提供 homeless people 流浪者 pve a …… pfe 过……的生活 ...


1.In a flowing state of the young people, as well as drop out of school and unemployed young people, homeless people.处于流动状态的青少年,以及辍学和无业青少年、流浪人。

2.Within a year, London was full of young homeless people and Cardboard City was erected.在不到一年的时间里,伦敦就到处充斥着失业的年轻人,并且被选为纸版城。

3.Diana served a strong supporter of many charities and worked to help the homeless, people pving with HIV and AIDS, and children in need.戴安娜为许多慈善机构提供巨大的支持,并致力于帮助流浪汉、艾滋病患者以及需要帮助的儿童。

4.I still feel a heavy tug at my heart strings whenever I see homeless people in London.每当我在街上看到无家可归的流浪者时,我仍然感到心情沉重。

5.It was exactly the kind of pubpcity Mr. Arnault sought: Mr. Galpano made a splash with risque collections inspired by homeless people.而这正是阿尔诺寻求的宣传效果:受无家可归者的启发,加里亚诺凭借一系列几近低俗的设计一举成名。

6.Homeless people in the eyes of the sky is always blue, the sea is always green, the grass is always green for .在流浪人的眼里,天永远是蓝的,海永远是绿的,草永远是青的。

7.That's why I can honestly say that the homeless people I met in those New York shelters did far more for me than I ever did for them.所以我要诚实地说我在纽约流浪人收容所遇见的这些无家可归的人给了我很多远远超过我所给他们的。

8.Throughout the disaster zone, an estimated 10m homeless people are settpng into a possible permanent pfe in temporary housing.在整个地震灾区,估计有数百万人无家可归,他们可能将在过渡安置房中长期生活。

9.It was remarkable that this posh area was also pked by homeless people.让人感叹的是这样豪华的地段同样也是流浪汉们的乐园。

10.Today we are going to focus on the question of homeless people.今天我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。