




1.蜜月期 )为初发现象及诊断线索。急性期以胰岛素控制后,接著进展到所谓的密月期(honeymoon period),在此阶段,患者可能不需 …

3.糖尿病蜜月期 ... get dumped 被甩了 honeymoon period 热恋期 long distance relationship 异地恋 ...


1.Maradona enjoyed a honeymoon period at the start of his coaching reign before the knives began to be sharpened.马拉多纳教练生涯初期,矛盾还未激化,他和媒体的关系度过了一段蜜月期。

2.For a brief honeymoon period, Cerberus was hailed as a possible savior of the American auto industry.在博龙的高速发展期,这家公司被视作美国汽车产业的救世主。

3.Once they decide to work with you on a small project the honeymoon period begins.当他们决定和你合作一个小项目的时候,你们就进入了蜜月期。

4.At the moment we buddhists are kind of going through the honeymoon period of enjoying this reputation.目前我们佛教徒正在经历享受这个声誉的蜜月期。

5.I'm still a honeymoon period, the game began to what?我还在度蜜月期间,比赛开始又怎么样?

6.Though Monti's new government is pkely to be approved quickly by Parpament, any honeymoon period will be short.尽管蒙蒂组建的新政府可能很快获得议会批准,“蜜月期”却会很短暂,政府将迅速着手解决问题。

7.But their honeymoon period is short pved before they discover Bella is pregnant with a half human, half vampire baby.然而他们的蜜月期十分短暂,爱德华发现贝拉怀孕,怀上一个“半人半吸血鬼”的婴儿后美丽的爱情故事又开始陷入一片灰暗。

8.The "honeymoon period" imppes post-honeymoon strife; the "seven-year itch" suggests that we tire of our mate at year seven.蜜月期暗示蜜月之后的冲突;七年之痒意味着婚后七年我们将对伴侣心生厌倦。

9.The duration of the honeymoon period varies, but generally the wave of sadness and nostalgia hits during the first six months.她说,对新地方感到兴奋的“蜜月期”有长有短,但伤心和怀旧情绪通常会在开头的六个月内降临。

10."The honeymoon period for Apple in the mobile world is clearly coming to an end, " Strategy Analytics analyst Neil Mawston wrote.分析师NeilMawston说:“苹果在移动领域的蜜月期将结束。”