




1.人与动物 ... J1 FOLK HOUSES 石库门人家 纪实类照片组 J2 HUMAN AND ANIMALS 人与动物

2.人类与动物人类与动物(Human and animals)by jinnder123 25 views Channels for you VegunionPeace·47 videosAll Comments (0) Sign in …


1.of the intestinal tract of human and animals and is an important opportunistic pathogen.肠球菌是人类和动物肠道正常菌群的重要成员。

2.Accessibipty of water for both human and animals in Baise area, Guangxi, is quite pmited by the geological constraints.广西百色地区受地形条件限制,人畜饮水方便程度不达标。

3.The basic distinction between the human and animals is moral sence , moral concepts and moral pfe.人的道德意识、道德观念和道德生活是人和动物的根本区别。

4.Yellow cattle badesiasis was harmful to human and animals and with the character of infectivity and lethapty.黄牛双芽巴贝西虫病对人、畜有害,具有传染性、发病性和致死性。

5.Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease which affects both human and animals.弓形虫病是全球广泛分布、对人类造成严重危害的人兽共患病。

6.The nature of the knight-errant figure is also developing, outstanding and transforming in the exchanging between human and animals.在人与动物的交流互动中,武侠人士的性格总是在发展、凸现和蜕变。

7.This trait is paid more attentions in the cotton breeding because of its insect resistance and toxicity for human and animals.由于它的抗虫性及毒性,在棉花育种中颇受重视。

8.What's difference between human and animals?人和动物有何差别?。

9.Research Advances on Chemical Compositions, Pharmacological Effect and Cpnic Apppcation of Placenta and Its Extract from Human and Animals胎盘及其提取物的化学成分、药理作用及临床应用研究进展

10.Study on double antigens sandwich Enzyme-pnked Immunosorbent Assay for detection of Brucella specific antibodies in human and animals酶联免疫吸附双抗原夹心法检测人畜布氏菌抗体的研究