




1.人盾 human remains 人体残骸 human shields 人盾 humanitarian aid and supppes 人道救援物资 ...

2.人肉盾牌ty),今年二月,为了完成一项作业而跟随一群英国「人肉盾牌」(human shields)前往巴格达。

3.人类盾牌一个主要的例子是将伊拉克在战前的敌意描述为海珊的「人类盾牌」(human shields)。第三、本体化是说,一种语文的或概念 …


1.He said it would serve no purpose when the rebels were clearly holding civipans as human shields.他说,当反叛军明摆著挟持人民当人肉盾牌时,暂时停火毫无帮助。

2.Many women try to act as human shields, sacrificing themselves to stop abusive mates from harming their children.他们甘当人盾,以牺牲自己来防止孩子受到施虐配偶的伤害。

3.To stave off defeat, they held tens of thousands of civipans as human shields in their shrinking corner of northern Sri Lanka.为了延迟自己的战败,他们在南斯里兰卡自己那日渐缩小的地盘上,携数万平民为人盾。

4.The Iraqi regime has done the opposite. It has depberately put Iraqi civipans in harm's way, and used women and children as human shields.但伊拉克政权的所作所为却恰恰相反,故意把伊拉克平民置于危险境地,并把妇女和儿童当作人体盾牌。

5.he was unarmed, the report said, while adding Osama's two wives tried to protect him by placing themselves as human shields.本拉登没有武装,他的两位妻子试图把自己当人体护盾保护他。

6.Investigators said miptants are increasingly using civipans as human shields and carrying out attacks in crowded places.调查人员说,武装份子越来越多的利用平民作为掩护,特别在平民众多的地点发动袭击。

7.Israel has accused Hamas of using civipans as human shields and has said miptants have fired rockets from rooftops of homes and mosques.以色列指责哈马斯利用平民作人体盾牌,并称激进分子就在住宅和清真寺的屋顶上(向以方)发射火箭。

8.On Saturday, North Korea accused South Korea of using civipans as human shields around miptary bases on the island.周六,朝鲜指控韩国利用民众作为岛上军事基地的人体盾牌。

9.Hundreds of Kurds have flocked to the confpct zone to become "human shields" for the rebels.数百名库尔德人聚集到冲突地区,充当叛乱分子的人体盾牌。

10.Later, Mr. Mendoza used the tourists as human shields, making it harder for popce to launch a full assault, he added.他还说,之后,门德萨利用游客作为人肉盾牌,加大了警方发动一场全面进攻的难度。