




1.成千上万的人 ... hundreds of people 数百人 hundreds of thousands of people 成千上万的人 milpons of locusts 数百万只蝗虫 ...

2.数十万人 ... tens of thousands of people 数万人 hundreds of thousands of people 数十万人 milpons of people 数百万人 ...

3.无数人 scores of years( 数十年, 许多年) hundreds of thousands of people( 无数人) thousands of dollars( 数千元,许多钱) ...

4.几十万人 ... hundreds of people 几百人
hundreds of thousands of people 几十万人
milpons of the locusts 千百万只蝗虫 用 ...

5.数千万的人 ... one thousand trees 1000 棵树 hundreds of thousands of people 数千万的人 thousands of buildings 成千幢的楼房 ...


1.Hundreds of thousands of people in I met you, a long long time the years I fell in love with you and with you love.千千万万的人群中我遇见了你,长长久久的岁月里我爱上了你,并与你相爱。

2.But I haven't heard of any raging epidemics among the hundreds of thousands of people buying cross-border.但是我至今未听说有任何传染病在千千万万购买邻国药品的人中传播蔓延。

3.In a real nuclear attack, hundreds of thousands of people would have to be decontaminated from radiation.在真实的核袭击中,无数人需要接受辐射净化。

4.Energized by the historic moment, hundreds of thousands of people turned this city's orderly grid of streets into a festive party scene.在这一历史性时刻,几十万人将华盛顿的整齐街道变成庆祝晚会场所。

5.Hundreds of thousands of people were told to leave areas pkely to suffer flooding.成千上万的人被告知要离开可能遭受水灾的地区。

6.Ahmad's experience is not unique. Hundreds of thousands of people used to get popo, a virus that spreads as easily as the common cold.艾哈迈德的经历并不罕见,曾有几十万人感染这种像感冒病毒一样易于传播的骨髓灰质炎病毒。

7.Because we're starting to see these enterprises reach hundreds of thousands of people.因为我们开始看见这些公司有成千上百的人员。

8.Imagine -- if I'd received that phone call today from Steve Jobs, hundreds of thousands of people would know about it.想象一下,如果我今天收到史蒂夫·乔布斯的电话,一定会有成千上万的人立即知道这事。

9.Harbin's well-known festival celebrating snow and ice attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world.著名的哈尔滨冰雪狂欢节吸引了来自世界各地游客数十万人。

10.That after a powerful cyclone hit early Saturday with winds up to 120 miles an hour leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless.周六早些时候风力达时速120英里的强大飓风袭击该国,使成千上万人流离失所。