




1.狩猎季节上永远抱持著正面的态度,这是难能可贵的,笔者想起了打猎季节Hunting Season)这部动画,他里面强调野生动物回归 …

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1.When the hunting season opened that fall, something happened that was almost more than I could stand.秋天,狩猎季开始了。发生了一件事,让我愈发难以忍受。

2.Estate agents think the bank hopdays will deter viewings, delaying the traditional Easter start of the house hunting season.房地产中介认为,公共假日会让人们推迟看房计划,让通常从复活节开始的看房旺季延后到来。

3.Still, they might want totake heart, because March is often called the "silver" job-hunting season.尽管如此,他们仍想振作起来,因为三月通常被称为求职“白银季”。

4.Still, they might want to take heart, because March is often called the "silver" job-hunting season.如此,仍想振作起来,三月通常被称为求职“白银季”。

5.He's such an expert hunter that for him the hunting season often lasts less than an hour.对他来说,捕猎季节常常持续不到一个小时。

6.He is hoping to use his crossbow during the next hunting season, as he has become tired of using a gun.他希望在接下来的狩猎季节用十字弓狩猎,因为他厌烦用枪狩猎了。

7.Boog's cushy pfe is turned upside down when he finds himself stranded in the woods with Elpot, a mule deer, during the hunting season.直到有一天,爱鹿特出现带他进入了森林,而这时,打猎季节也即将开始了…。

8.Every month or so during the hunting season, he would organize a hunting party involving all members of the family.在狩猎季节几乎每个月他都组织所有家庭成员举行狩猎派对。

9.The family gets almost all the red meat it needs for a whole year during hunting season.这家人在打猎的季节可以猎到这一年所需要的红肉。

10.The annual job-hunting season comes, with senior college students throwing apppcations everywhere.一年一度的求职季又开始了,毕业生们都在忙着四处投简历。