




1.氢能 ... Hydrogen and Home 氢能进入家庭与环境保护 Hydrogen Energy 浅谈氢能 Stellar Maser Sources 恒星微波激射 …

5.能源科技还是以氢能、潮汐等发电的技术都有所进步,而且最具有发展潜力之能源科技应是属氢能Hydrogen Energy)科技,特别是燃料电池技 …


1.One of the main problems of hydrogen energy exploitation and utipzation is the storage problem.氢能开发与利用的关键在于氢气的储存。

2.The technology of the invention has great and profound significance for ensuring the safety of hydrogen energy related industries.应用本发明的技术对保障氢能源相关行业的安全意义重大而深远。

3.In this article, production, transportation storage and conversion of hydrogen energy are introduced to make reader understand.介绍了氢能源的生产、运输、储备及转化,使读者对其有所了解。

4.Which is in press at the International J. Hydrogen Energy, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England (see also related papers in "Scientific Works" ).该篇论文目前在英国牛津Pergamon出版社的《国际氢能源杂志》,〔请亦参看《科学工作》中的相关论文〕。

5.As high efficiency and clean energy, hydrogen energy has great development potential and further considerations.氢能作为一种高效的清洁能源,其发展潜力巨大,越来越受到世界各国的重视。

6.Hydrogen energy is one of important secondary energy sources in 21st century.氢能将是21世纪重要的二次能源。

7.Secondly, this paper reviews and analyzes the progress course and status of China hydrogen energy, then points out its weakness.其次,回顾并分析了我国氢经济发展历程和现状,并总结不足之处。

8.Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) is the vehicle that we are looking for to use clean fuel (hydrogen energy) and reapze zero emission.燃料电池汽车正是利用清洁的氢能源、并可实现零排放的汽车。

9.Finally, the paper puts forth suggestions for China to develop hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicle.最后为我国发展氢能和燃料电池汽车提出了建议。

10.Producing cheap hydrogen on a large scale is the key in hydrogen energy development.发展规模化廉价制氢技术是发展氢能的重要环节。