




1.我来了 We must hurry. 我们必须赶快。 I am coming我来了。 He has finished. 他 …

2.我就来 eg:decision-making board 董事会 eg:I am coming. 我就来. in despair 绝望地 ...

3.我来啦 ... I am coming,pttle maiden, 我来啦,娇小的姑娘, With the pleasant sunshine laden, 满载着融融的阳光, ...

4.我这就来 you are wanted on the phone 电话有人找你 I am coming 现在进行时表将来 我这就来 letters are taken 信被带走 的意思 ...

5.我马上来 I am going. 我马上去。 I am coming我马上来。 I will come. 我会去的。 ...

6.我正赶来 I see the bommer 我看见c4持有者 I am coming 我正赶来 one guy left 还剩下1个家伙 ...


1.Declan: well i am coming back after this sort of visit, we are here for a week, so we will be back next week.这次访问完了我就回去了。我们要在这里待一周,所以下周我们就回去了。

2.Hey freaks! You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you.嘿怪咖们你们会很高兴听到我会跟你们一起去!

3."(There were) no brakes. You just looked up to the Lord and (told) him 'I am coming home. '"“(手推车没有刹车)。你只能对天仰望告诉上帝我要回家了。”

4.If I tell you when I am coming to New York and if you could meet me, I sure would appreciate it.如果我告诉你什么时候能回纽约来,到时你能接我,我一定会非常感激的。

5.Jn. 14: 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you to Myself, so that where I am you also may be.约十四3我若去为你们预备了地方,就再来接你们到我那里,我在那里,叫你们也在那里。

6.But Jack Rollaround only behaved the worse: 'Get out of the way, old Moon! ' he shouted, 'I am coming! '但是小杰克摇摇变本加厉表现的更为顽劣:“闪开,月亮婆婆!”他叫道,“我来了!”

7.I am coming into a hot dog if I still couldn't release the heat.我现在没办法散热,就快烤成热狗了。

8.Although I am coming with my own funds, I do hope you will consider me for a part time assistantship after enrollment.虽然我自费入学,但我仍希望在我入学后,能考虑给我一个半职助教职位。

9.I am coming, " answered his wife; and then she cried, " Anne, sister Anne, dost thou not see anyone coming?“我来了,”他的老婆应着;接着她喊道,“安妮,安妮姐姐,你有没有看见有人来啊?”

10.I am coming into contact with the sorrows of pfe but I cannot forget my happy boyhood.我是正在和人生的烦恼开始接触。但是我不能忘记我那快乐的童年时代。