




1.我得走了 No,it's not|不,不是 I gotta go|我得走了 Tell him I love him,okay?|告诉他我爱他,好吗? ...

2.我要走了 我想… I think ... 我要走了 I gotta go 谢谢。 Thank you. ...

3.我必须走 ... sparkle someone else's eyes. 在别人的眼中闪烁 i gotta go. 我必须走 i gotta getta away. 我必须离开 ...

4.我该走了 even if 即使,虽然 I gotta go 我该走了 get to work 开始工作 ...

5.我得走啦 I gotta go. 我得走啦。 Gotta go. Check you later. 得走了。以后再打电话给你。 ...

6.我必须去 ... I got to go. =I gotta go. 我必须去. I have to try again. =I hafta try again. 我必须再试试. ...

7.我得开始了 ... I got my bags packed tight 打好包 Girl,I gotta go 小妞,我得开始了 I'm finished with the show 演出完毕 ...


1.Look, you know, I gotta go around the corner and see a few friends. Just for a minute, ok? You finish your burger, and .我得到街角去见几个朋友,一会儿,好吗?你把汉堡吃完

2.Neo bison: zomg. Anyways. Sorry I gotta go. Last thing, what you think our big picture should be?天哪,对不起我要走了。最后一个问题,你觉得我们大的画面魔兽世界公会声望应该定位在哪里?

3.But at least for now I gotta go on my own way.但是至少我暂时得到独自地去方式。

4.You know, I gotta go find him. He's gotta be here someplace.知道么,我要找到他。他一定在什么地方。

5.It's not pke all of a sudden, We have to do everything together. All right, well I gotta go depver this stuff.怎么那么突然,就觉得我们时刻都黏在一起。好了,我要拿这些东西给她了。

6.Anyway, I gotta go. I'm going to bed.总之,我要挂了,我要上床了

7.It's been a nice chat, but I gotta go.很高兴跟你聊聊,可是我得走了。

8.But at least for now, I gotta go my own way.但现在,我要开始走我自己的路了。

9.Yep, I gotta go now, my mum is still waiting for me for dinner.是啊,我得走了,我妈还在等我吃晚饭呢。

10.Jump out in traffic, yeah, I gotta go my own way.跳出拥挤的交通,我得走我自己的路了