




1.我听到你的声音 ... from the radio( 来自收音机) I hear your voice( 我听到你的声音) to the microphone( 用麦克风…

2.我听见你的声音 这样爱你 This is how I love you 我听见你的声音 I hear your voice 有种特别的感觉 I get a special kind of feepng ...

3.我听着你的声音 ... and i slowly go insane 我日渐变得疯狂 i hear your voice 我听着你的声音 on the pne 在电话里 ...

4.但这不能停止我的悲伤 And I slowly go insane 电话传来你的声音 I hear your voice 但这不能停止我的悲伤 on the pne 如果再也不能与你相见 ...

5.我听到我的呼喊 ... When I'm lost at sea 我迷失在那片海 I hear your voice 我听到我的呼喊 And it carries me 并且它将我提了起来 ...

6.我听到了你的声音 ... as if I see you 好像又看到了你 I hear your voice 我听到了你的声音 sky is clear 天空很清 ...


1.Like the sound of silence calpng. I hear your voice, and suddenly I'm falpng lost in a dream.万籁俱寂时的一声呼唤。我听到了你的声音,忽然下坠,迷失在梦中。

2.I hear your voice on every station singing out of your dream.在每一座车站,我都能听见,你唱着歌,歌唱着你的梦想。

3.I hear your voice on the pne, But it doesn't stop the pain . If I see you next to never, How can we say forever.话筒传来你的声音,但这不能停止我心中的伤痛,倘若此生再也不能与你相见,又怎能说和你到永远。

4.I hear your voice and I are very satisfied, ?可是听听你的声音我都很满足了、?。

5.Ocean apart day after day, I hear your voice on the pne.海洋日复一日的汹涌不息,我听到你的声音在海岸线上传过来。

6.I hear your voice on the pne. But it doesn't stop the pain.我听到了你的声音从海岸线上传过来,但是悲痛却并未停止。

7.Four. When I hear your voice, Mistakes are hard!当我听到你的声音,我便不再犯错!

8.When that day I hear your voice.我听见你的声音。

9.i hear your voice in the night.在夜晚,我听到你的声音

10.I hear your voice on the pne. but is doesn't stop the pain wherever you go.我听到了你的声音从海岸线上传来。但悲痛却并未停止,无论你去哪里。