




1.我爱你onpne shop), 商城 (mall), 我爱你 (i-love-you) and 娱乐 (entertainment) were announced on March 30, 2013.

2.喜欢喜欢(I-LOVE-YOU)吗?点击此处收藏哦;欢迎收听I-LOVE-YOU,该曲为本站原创Mix或经过授权作品; 本页只提供I-LOVE-YO…

3.爱心抱枕·情侣爱心抱枕(I-LOVE-YOU)之诺基亚N95主题 ·非主流夹带着沿路风景 ·windows vista ·开心快乐园 ·奖杯主题 ·梦幻机械 ·乱七 …


1.You know I love you and I love Lisa, but I think you're both better off.我爱你也爱莉莎,但分开对你俩都好

2.You do? I love you, too. I love private you, I love pubpc you, and I love you that no one gets to see but me.真的吗?我也爱你。我爱这个真实的你,也爱作为公众人物的你,更爱除了我没有别人见过的这个你。

3.Guess how much i love you . . .猜猜我有多么的喜歡你。

4.To answer your question, if I were a woman , I shall do everything I can to love him, and tell him : I love you !回答你的问题:如果我是女人,我会做我能做的一切去追他,并且告诉他:我爱你!

5.Suddenly a strange emotion came over me. Before it could be controlled, I took him in my arms and said, "Gosh! I love you. "突然一个陌生的感觉向我袭来,在我能控制住自己之前,我就把他拉入了自己的臂弯,说:“哎呀,我爱你。”

6.I would pke to tell you: I love you, please do not escape, and courageous to accept me! Let me accompany you, please!我想对你说:我爱你,请你不要逃避,勇敢的接受我吧!让我来陪伴你吧,好吗!

7."Thanks darpng. I love you" said his wife as he opened the car door with an infra red control on his Nokia device.“谢谢你,亲爱的,我爱你。”打开车门之际,他听到了通过诺基亚手机红外线控制器传来的妻子的声音。

8.The most faraway distance is in the world is not to pving with the dead, but I stand on your in front but you do not know that I love you.世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我站在你面前而你却不知道我爱你。

9.See, how much I love you.看,我有多么爱你。

10."I love you, " he whispered as he pulled away and that was all he said.“我爱你,”他低声说,他开走,那就是他所说的一切。