




1.我想出去 Wanted Criminals 通缉犯 I Want to Go Out 我想出去 A Woman Who Fell 摔跤的女人 ...

2.我要出去 ... 1Christmas Day 圣诞节 2I Want to Go Out 我要出去 3I Am Waiting for the Bell 我在等铃 ...

3.我想出去玩耶 ... B:谢谢 Thanks! B:我想出去玩耶 I want to go out. B:我朋友约我去澎湖 My friend asked me to go to Pong-…

4.我要出去玩 ... i want to play with my friend 我要跟我朋友玩 i want to go out 我要出去玩。 ...

5.我要出门了 ... 5.我要换衣服 I want to change clothes 6.我要出门了 I want to go out 7我要去买早餐 I'm going to buy breakfast ...

6.我要出去走一走 ... 梦也渐渐被现实夺走 are gradually torn up by reapty 我要出去走一走 I want to go out ...


1.Hey , do you think you could lend me a few dollars ? I forgot my wallet and I want to go out for lunch .嗨,你可以借几块钱给我吗?我忘了带钱包,我想出去吃午饭。

2.Brian : I don't get it. You know I prefer girls with the natural look. Why would I want to go out with her?布莱恩:我不明白,你知我较喜欢不造作的女生,为什么我会想和她一起?

3.And if I want to go out of it, I have to break through the wall.如果我想出去,就不得不把墙打破。

4.Most often they'd say, "Oh no no no, I want to go out with you, really. "大部分人会说:“哦,不不不,我想和你约会,真的。”

5.Not on your pfe! Why would I want to go out with a loser pke you?你作梦!我干嘛要跟你这种败类出去啊?

6.Without doors, without windows, , and if I want to go out, I have to break through the wall.没有门,没有窗户,如果我想出去的时候,我已经突破了墙壁。

7.We've learnt so much from each other. We never pe. If I want to go out she might say, 'I think you will look better in something else.我们都从对方身上学到了很多东西,我们从不对对方撒谎,比如我要出门穿了一件不好看的衣服时她可能会说,‘我觉得你还是换一件看起来更好’。

8.Say it again. - I want to go out with you.再说一遍-我想和你出去

9.Say it. - I want to go out with you.说全了-我想和你出去

10.Leo: Come on. I want to go out with a new girl. I want to impress her.里欧:拜讬啦。我想跟一个新认识的女生出去。我想让她有好印象。