




1.我有钱 我有两个姐妹。 I have two sisters. 我有钱I have money. ...


1.Not that I have money; but I would do anything reasonable, sane, because my needs are very few, and I have no fear of being crushed out.不是说我有钱,而是我做事都是清醒理智的,因为我的需要真的很少,我没有被排挤出去的恐惧。

2.If I have money, so having money would be sufficient for you to be in the pub.如果我有钱,所以有钱是去酒吧的充分条件。

3.She then status, it must follow her, more handsome than me, than I have money, study than my severe ' ' ' 'too much. So I have pressure.她那么有地位,追她的人肯定不少,比我帅的、比我有钱的、读书学习比我厉害的`````太多了。

4.Andy is just a fair-weather friend. She only pkes to be with me when I have money to spend.安迪不过是个酒肉朋友。我有钱花的时候她才愿意和我在一起。

5.I admit, you are now than I have money, do not know the future.我承认,你现在是比我有钱,以后就不知道了!

6.I have money, I have taste. But I'm not on anybody's "A" pst, and Saturday night is the lonepest night for the week for me.我有钱有品味,可我从未遭到邀请,周六的夜晚对我来讲是一周里最孤独的夜晚。

7.Chris: Right. Now, I have money, a nice apartment and a car. BUT I don't any time to enjoy it all.克里斯:是的。现在,我有钱,有漂亮的房子和车。但是,我根本就没有时间享受这一切。

8.Although Donald and I have money today, we have both experienced financial losses.虽然我和唐纳德现在有钱了,我们同样经历过财政损失。

9.I have money, I'll buy two candy bars, one you watching me eat, the other one I had to read to you.等我有钱了,我会买两根棒棒糖,一根你看著我吃,另一根我吃给你看。

10.That, of course, doesn't mean that you should justify every purchase with a basic "I want it and I have money in my account. "这一点,并不是让你在每次掏腰包的时候心里默念,“我需要这个东西,而我的帐户里尚有余钱”这就行了。