




1.毫无线索 ... 毫无办法。 That's the way it goes. 毫无线索I have no clue. 绝望了。 It's hopeless. ...

2.我一点头绪都没有 ... I have diarrhea. 我拉肚子了。 I have no clue. 我一点头绪(线索)都没有。 I have stiff shoulders. 我肩膀酸痛。 ...

3.我一点儿都不知道 ... (我不清楚。) That's unclear. That's clear. (我一点儿都不知道。) I have no clue. No idea. It's all Greek to me. ...

4.我没有线索 ... my heart is cold.( 我心里好冷) I have no clue.( 我没有线索) 2.raining----It is raining today. 今天是下雨天. ...

5.我想不出来 1 I've been working out a lot. 我一直都有在锻炼 1 I have no clue. 我想不出来 ...

6.我一点线索也没 I have no clue. 我一点线索也没 This is over my head. 这超出我所能理解的范围 ...

7.完全没有头绪 I have no clue. 完全没有头绪 I don’t know how to write. 不知道该怎麽写 ...

8.我一无所知 ... 5. I have no choice but to leave. 除了离开,我别无选择。 6. I have no clue. 我一无所知。 ...


1.What he would do if he had to earn a pving I have no clue.我真不晓得要是他要去谋生的话该怎么办。

2.I have no clue about what to call our music and I am really not interested in it either.我不知道如何形容我们的音乐,而且我对此也真的不感兴趣。

3.I have here a triangle, and I have no clue where the center of mass is.这里有个三角形,我不知道,重心在哪里。

4.I have no clue at all what this module is about and why it's made mandatory.我什么都没有这个模块是如何,为什么它的强制性的线索。

5.My answers: true, probably true and I have no clue.我的回答是:确实如此,可能如此,我没有答案。

6.even tho i have no clue what they're saying, I watched all three parts, they're so, so cute together, no awkward moments.虽然我听不懂他们说的,但是看了这部分,(觉得)他们在一起时如此地可爱,没有尴尬的时刻,我想我已经爱上了这对夫妇。

7.I have no clue about an afterpfe, and I don't really care.我没有线索晚年,并且我不能真正关心。

8.What does that mean? I have no clue, and that's really honest.这是什么意思,我也不知道,真的。

9.I felt extremetly depressed, Honestly, I have no clue that what will happen next , tomorrow, .我感觉压力十足,说真的,我不敢想象下一秒会发生什么,明天又会发上什么。

10.We are having a conversation but I have no clue what we are talking about.我们一直在聊着,但我不知道我们在谈些什么鬼东西。