




1.第四台电视冰箱冷气洗5000有包网路第四台电视冰箱冷气洗(I-RING)更多回应 ◀ 2013 ▶ ◀ 五月 ▶ 上一篇 下一篇 引用(0) 留言给我  刊登求才广告 日

2.有阳台热水器或独立洗有阳台热水器或独立洗(I-RING)请问这路段在哪?(小菊) 请问目前出租了ㄇ?? (>喵.Queen<) 请问有金殿888然后有附洗衣机 …

3.车令产品名称:车令I-RING)材质:UPE料可防水3度以上,产品通过ROSH验证 材质:PE料 材质:HYTREL料 材质:HYTREL …


1.Look, would you mind if I ring you back? I'm waiting for a rather important call. . . Yes, bye bye.听着,你介意我一会再打给你吗?我在等一个非常重要的电话……好,再见。

2.I ring a cowbell and I've even played the accordion, but the ukulele doesn't seem to have any effect on them.我摇牛铃,拉手风琴,不过似乎尤克里里琴对它们不起作用。

3.I tell her about my history with Directors when I ring to talk about her chemical personapty theories.我曾打电话给费雪,告诉她我和领导型男士相处的历史,与她讨论她的化学个性理论。

4.I ring my editor to tell her that we're stuck outside with Violet puffing and panting, and within minutes she has rescued us.我给主编打电话告诉她我们被困在外面了,“紫罗兰”在那趴着呼哧呼哧喘气;几分钟后主编把我们带出了窘境。

5.I never have a problem getting my daughter sleep because I ring a ragged all day.我从来没有烦恼让我的女儿睡觉,因为问题是我通常整整一天被折腾来折腾去。

6.Before he left, he let drop a suggestion that I ring her up.在他离开之前他将结束我们之间关于我给他电话的建议。

7.Great. Before I ring, we'd better just make sure they're within the price range.好极了。打电话之前,我们最好确定一下我们的人平价格。

8.I ring the changes (on my clothes) by wearing this coat with the other trousers.我穿这件外套配上另一条裤子已产生不同的效果。

9.But as the conclusion: When I ring BT , do you see what I mean?但是结论是,当我给BT打电话,你们明白我的意思吗?

10.It's human nature to tell stories - which is why neighbours will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses.八卦是人之天性——这就是为什么邻居们会将自己知道的所有情况告诉登门拜访的我。