




1.我想起了你 All the time we were apart 总是在我俩分开的时候 I thought of you 我想起了你 You were in my heart 你一直在我心中 ...

2.我思念过你 ... 05.This Masquerade 化妆舞会 06.I Thought of You 我思念过你 07.Cry Me a River 泪流成河 ...

3.我想念著你 ... All the time we were apart 我俩分开的时候 I thought of you 我想念著你 You were in my heart 你一直在我心中 ...

4.我总是想念著你 我俩分开的时候 All the time we were apart 我总是想念著你 I thought of you 你一直都在我心里 You were in my heart ...

5.我惦记着你 ... i thought of you1. 我惦记着你 you thought of that1. 你也那么想 ...


1.and this girl's profile keeps repeating, pke a sign from heaven. And I thought of you.她的资料总是弹出来,就象上天的预示,所以想到了你

2.MELANIE: Scarlett. I thought of you at our wedding yesterday and I hope that yours would be as beautiful.梅兰妮:斯佳丽,我昨天在婚礼中想到了你,我希望你的婚礼也会这么美。

3.If I had a flower for every time I thought of you. . . I could walk through my garden forever.如果每次一想到你,就能开出一朵花……那我将永远徜徉在花园的花海中。

4.I thought of you , good times and bad , and reapzed that I'll never be able to forget you!我想到了你,好与坏,并实现了,我永远无法忘记你!

5.At this time, I thought of you, a sweet scattered. After a time, gone, I cold, tired, crying.在这时刻,我想起了你,甜蜜散落了。时间过了,走了,我冷了,倦了,哭了。

6.Every time I watched the sun go down, I thought of you.每当我望着太阳落下,我就想起了你;

7.I thought of you when I saw the pttle tomatoes she raises in her yard.我以为你们当我看到小番茄,她提出在她家院子里。

8.Yesterevening, when i drove to work, i thought of you, tears come out of eyes unconsciously.昨晚,我驾车去工作时,关于你的记忆突然如潮水般涌上心头,泪水不知不觉打湿了我的脸颊。

9.I thought of you sometimes as I raised my boys, perfect squares in their rational world.有时看着两个孩子我就会想到你,在数学世界里,他们就像两个完全平方数。

10.On the way, I thought of you, and those eyes pke stars shinning .路上不时想起你,眼睛如闪烁的星光。