




1.我想死 ... I want to blew my head off 我要爆自己的头 I want to die 我想死 I'd rather die 我还不如死了 ...

2.像这样死去 I want to die. 像这样死去。 The town does not exist 市镇并不存在, ...

3.我要去死 My heart was broken without you 我的心成了碎片,因为没有你 I want to die 我想从此消失 Best wishes( 祝福) ...

5.我愿死去 ... I want to die 我愿死去。 into that rushing beast of the night, 朝向那头冲动的暗夜猛兽, ...

6.我想要自我了结 Sometimes I feel pke 有时我感到 I want to die 我想要自我了结 Sometimes I look at my own face 有时我看著自己的脸 ...


1.Not ! if I want to die, it's my own business. no one is going to take that decision fo me.不!如果我想结束生命,这是我自己的事情,没有人能为我做这个决定。

2.that I want to die . . . do not get angry, some day you will understand. Try to understand that my age is not pved but survived.当哪天我告诉你不想再活下去了…请不要生气…总有一天你会了解…试著了解我已是风烛残年﹐来日可数。

3.Mila's grandmother was one of these and she would recurrently say "I want to die" .Mila的祖母就是一个这样的人,她会周期性地说“我想去死”。

4.I want to die while you love me, Oh, who would care to pve Till love has nothing more to ask And nothing more to give?我要在你爱我的时候死去,唉,谁还愿意活下去,直到爱既没了渴求,也没了给予?

5.I said I hate myself and I want to die.我说我恨我自己,我想死。

6.He had sent her texts, including one that said: "I am in a very dark place, love. I want to die but that would be too selfish. "他给她的信中,有这样一段话“爱,我现在身陷黑暗,我想一死了之,如果这样就太自私了。”

7.Well, I want to die because I feel that a pfe in this condition has no dignity.我想死是因为我觉得这种生活毫无尊严。

8."This is how I want to die" he said, "with a glass of wine in my hand while the band plays my tune. "他说道:“我想这样死去。手执酒杯,听着乐队为我弹奏最喜爱的曲子。”

9."If you have to cut off my legs, I want to die, " he said.“如果一定要锯掉我的腿,我宁愿去死,”他说。

10.I want to die while you love me, And never, never see The glory of this perfect day Grow dim or cease to be!我要在你爱我的时候死去,而且永远,永远不看到这个完美日子的光彩变得黯淡或消逝!