




1.我要画画 ... Will you please give me the tools? 你可以给我工具吗? I want to draw. 我要画画。 I want to write. 我要写字。 ...


1.I want to draw mandarin duck. I would be satisfied as long as I am able to draw the two ducks, I don't expect myself to draw the background.我要画鸳鸯。但求能够把两只鸳鸯画出来就很满意了,不要求自己能够画出背景。

2.OK, so if I draw a contour plot of my function, z so, actually forget about z because I want to draw a two variable contour plot.如果我画出函数的等高线,现在没有变量,因为我想画一个只含两个变量的。

3.My ideal is to be an artist, I want to draw a colourful world with my brush.我的理想是当一名画家,用手的画笔,画出五彩斑斓的世界。

4.But what if I want to draw a picture or write someone a note?但如果我想画画或给某人写张便条呢?

5.And I want to draw it right in the middle, so I've got plenty of room.我把它画在中间,有足够的空间。

6.Before I get into more advanced examples, I want to draw your attention to a few things.在进入更高级的示例之前,我想把您的注意力引到几件事上。

7.Adam: I want to draw attention to issues that are usually ignored. That's what's so great about hip-hop.亚当:我希望唤起人们对一些被忽略的问题的关注。

8.I want to draw a lot of beautiful pictures for my mom, because I want to be the artist when I grow up!我想画很多漂亮的画送给我的妈妈。因为我长大后想当一名画家。

9.I want to draw the appearance which one shed tears.我想画自己掉眼泪的样子。

10.Dad, I want to draw with crayons, can I?爸,我想用蜡笔画,可以吗?