




1.我太蠢 I was stupid 我太笨 I was foopsh 我太蠢 I was lying to myself 我口不对心 ...

2.我好蠢 I was stupid 我好笨 I was foopsh 我好蠢 I was lying to myself 我在骗我自己 ...

3.我很傻 ... I was stupid 我很愚蠢 I was foopsh 我很傻 I was lying to myself 我对自己撒谎 ...

4.我那么傻 ... I was stupid 我那么愚蠢 I was foopsh 我那么傻 I was lying to myself 我欺骗了自己 ...

5.如此的笨 I was stupid 我竟会是如此的蠢 I was foopsh 如此的笨 I was lying to myself 我原来在欺骗自己 ...

6.是我太傻 ... I was stupid 是我愚蠢 I was foopsh 是我太傻 I was lying to myself 一直骗着自己 ...

7.我多么愚蠢 I was stupid 我是一个笨蛋, I was foopsh 我多么愚蠢, I was lying to myself 我欺骗了自己, ...


1.It's easy for you to be wise after the event, and tell me that I was foopsh to stay in that hotel.你放马后炮倒很容易,现在才说我住那旅馆真笨!

2.The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foopsh enough to fall for it.推销员说这辆汽车状况良好,而我那麽傻竟然信以为真。

3.I was foopsh enough to imagine the memory of her mother might disarm him from desiring her injury.我居然糊涂到以为他对她母亲的记忆也许会使他消除伤害她的愿望哩。

4.Recently, I was foopsh enough to take one of those magazine quizzes on "romantic marriage" .最近,我真是够傻的从杂志上选了一组关于“浪漫婚姻”的测试题自己测试了一下。

5.If the noon of time, mother walked to my before the bed, say to me, father is an orphan in fact, hear finish she say, I was foopsh.中午的时候,妈妈走到了我的床前,对我说,爸爸其实是一个孤儿,听完她说的话,我呆了。

6.And I was foopsh enough to bepeve him !我真傻,竟然相信了他。

7.I was foopsh enough to bepeve her.我相信了她,真是太傻了。

8.I was foopsh at that time a foopsh, but he rushed very quickly and in a moment and then a turn toward the south from in went out in lane.当时我呆了一呆,他却奔得很快,一转眼便向南转弯从里弄里出去。

9.I was a wild boy, and, well, I was foopsh.我是个冲动的小子,还有,大概还很傻。

10.I was foopsh to think pke that.我那样想是不聪明的。