


网络释义:家田;井户本;免疫酶斑点法(Immuno enzyme dot assay)


1.家田 Idomoto 井户本。 Ieda 家田。 Iehara 家原。 ...

2.井户本 ... 井户川。 Idomoto 井户本Ieda 家田。 Iehara ...

3.免疫酶斑点法(Immuno enzyme dot assay)p5076、免疫酶斑点法(IEDA)检测白色念珠菌芽管特异性抗原 p5077、白色念珠菌胶乳凝集反应快速诊断 p5078、白色念珠菌培 …


1.Main Ieda: Isn't it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?格言大意:学习了然后按时复习,不是一件很愉快的事吗?

2.If Japan does not start selpng maglev trains overseas, it risks losing its technological edge, Mr. Ieda warned.如果日本放弃向海外推销磁悬浮列车,则可能导致失去技术优势的危险,家田先生警告说。

3.Main Ieda: Though in a lowly post , never dare to forget to share the worries of the country.格言大意:虽然自己地位卑微,但也不敢忘了为国家分忧。

4.Main Ieda: We can see what is coming form one tiny clue and we can predict the result from the very beginning.格言大意:从细微处能看出明显的道理,目睹了开始就能预测到结果。