




1.内电解混凝 ... ) electrically conductive concrete 导电混凝土 ) IEFT 内电解混凝 ) electric conduction concrete 导电混凝土 ...

2.互联网工程任务组的三 大特征:快捷、便利及安全。除继续推广网上电子现金管理系统(「IEFT」)外,本集团亦致力继续提升IPS网上付款服 …


1.And he found a Ioophole that allows me to access that money your daddy Ieft you.他找到了漏洞,能让我把你爸留给你的钱拿走

2.If you focus on what you've Ieft behind, you'II never be abIe to see what Iies ahead.如果你总是回头想过去遗失的,那么你永远都看不到未来的光明和希望。

3.Just wanted to say goodbye to you and Dad before I Ieft.在我走之前想跟你和父亲说声再见

4.He proposed before we Ieft, and I'm going to say yes.他在我们离开前向我求婚了我打算接受

5.No, when he Ieft, Dad toId me to take care of you.不是这样的爸爸离开的时候希望我能照顾你

6.Ieft a message for you at the dorm and on your phone.我在你宿舍的电话上留了个言,

7.I ain't Iying, I've been watching you work. You got a hell of a Ieft.我没撒谎,我已经看过你训练了你的左拳很厉害

8.my wife Ieft me, and today's the anniversary of our first date.我的妻子离开了我今天刚好是我们第一次约会的周年纪念日

9.it was not that Iong ago that your wife Ieft you.我是说,你老婆前不久才跟你离的婚

10.I keep holding my Ieft up, then I throw a punch and it keeps dropping.我把左手举起来了可当我出拳的时候,就总是会放下去
